Daily Archive: March 19, 2010

Freedom Scam?

Debbie Schlussel calls Sean Hannity’s Freedom Alliance charity a scam.  If a charity is only spending 12% (or less) of the money it brings in to provide the services that the charity was set up to provide...

Brooks on Blond

If you’re looking for a good introduction to the Red Tories, David Brooks’ column does a much better job of explaining Philip Blond’s philosophy than my muddled post. Blond is also is speaking at...

Blond at Georgetown

Your faithful correspondent donned a collared shirt and ventured into Georgetown last night to listen to Philip Blond’s presentation on “Red Toryism” (Blond’s Wikipedia entry is here; the Porch has a good introductory post...

Predictions about Healthcare

I’m going to make a few predictions about the future of U.S. healthcare, provided that the bill under consideration passes. First, the bill will prove substantially more expensive than projected. Ezra Klein is naive...