Monthly Archive: November 2009

Sunday Poem Series

The Twa Corbies (traditional folk song, originally anthologized by T. Ravenscroft) As I was walking all alane, I heard twa corbies making a mane; The tane unto the t’other say, ‘Where sall we gang...

Inane Bleg for Vegans

No snark intended here, but what is the vegan position on flu vaccines that rely on replicating the virus in chicken eggs?


Dave Schuler goes on a fine rant against Tom Friedman’s magnificent straw man on climate legislation.

Meanwhile, at True/Slant…

So at my American Tory blog I talk about: Sarah Palin (twice!) Teachers’ unions strong-arming their best teachers. Republican hypocrisy on fiscal responsibility. The best news in ages in the healthcare reform saga. And I start talking...

Weekend Open Thread

As you may have noticed, the last few days the regular gents have been lazy dogs like Puck here.  Or if you want to be generous to us, we’ve just had collective writers’ block. ...


“There is a Laffer curve for drinking and writing.” – E.D. Kain, via e-mail.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Afghanistan?

Spencer Ackerman points me to this Tom Ricks post on David Kilcullen’s speech re: Afghanistan. Ricks on Kilcullen’s central argument: His [Kilcullen’s] bottom line is that there are two real options in Afghanistan: Either...


Barry Ritholtz has a table comparing the bull market rallies in 1982 and 2009.  One has the support of sound fundamentals and one does not.  See for yourselves.

More Blawgging

The Legal Theory Blog takes aim at two of the most meaningless, empty and (unfortunately) frequently used terms in conservative political discourse when constitutional law is involved: strict constructionism and judicial activism.

Dream Job

For Deadheads, at least: The University Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz, seeks an enterprising, creative, and service-oriented archivist to join the staff of Special Collections & Archives (SC&A) as Archivist for...

Son of The Wire

Matt Yglesias says: What’s really depressing to me about the current TV landscape isn’t so much that we haven’t seen another Wire-quality show as it is that we haven’t even seen a serious effort...