We’re All Turning Japanese-a
Since President Obama bowed to the Japanese Emperor, thereby signaling the reversal of the victory of WWII and the domination of Japan over the US (Michael Crichton was right after all!!!!), I for one, welcome our new overlords from the Land of the Rising Sun. Maybe we’ll get some more crazy TV shows, awesome cartoons and samurai flicks, as well as some wild fashion.
pish tosh….. i want more godzilla movies. we all have our deities.Report
did you see south park a few weeks back? f@#!a you whale and dolphin!!!
The use of Godzilla to scare the Japanese warriors away was all flavors of awesome juice.Report
100% agree, pure win. Then my DVR cut off the end so I never saw who they replaced Dolphin and Whale with in that picture. There was nerd rage.Report
I, for one, welcome our new Japanese overlords.Report
fixed. you and I both brother.Report
You are of course, welcome to enjoy our superior food, pop culture and health, but we must insist that you do something about the anime geeks problem.Report
done and domo arigato akimoto-san.Report
I’d like to apologize for that, actually.Report
By which I mostly mean “we’re not all that bad, I swear!”
But seriously, Honey & Clover (the anime, not the drama) is pretty much my favorite show ever. That’s not changing.
*goes back to listening to Zazen Boys*Report
You know, I come here for the fantastic discussions and especially the incredibly well thought-out politics. I tend to picture everyone as being… I don’t know, mature? Normal? (Whatever that means.) Like some Sunday afternoon roundtable on PBS or something.
However I read the site with images turned off so I can’t see everyone’s Gravitars. I only tend to see everyone’s well reasoned words. It isn’t until moments like this that I remember that the League and its community is full of people who are one of us.Report
Well hey, “ordinary” is in the name for a reason.Report