Daily Archive: November 9, 2009


At my True/Slant digs I talk about abortion and federal subsidies, the affable yet befuddled Michael Steele, abortion again, and Christianity & healthcare reform (among other things).  If you’re interested stop by and leave...

One minor quibble

Andrew Sullivan on his intellectual consistency: I was appalled by the anti-Semitism buried within ANSWER – the left-wing equivalent of the Tea Party peeps – their paranoia and their ad Hitlerum daffiness. I railed...

Murdoch vs. Google

Rupert Murdoch, media mogul extrordinaire, has decided that links coming from the search engine monolith Google are parasitic and should be banned outright.  Yes – what most of us online strive for – links...

Editorial oversight, anyone?

The Guardian continues to burnish its remarkable record of publishing unabashed apologists for communism. This latest offering isn’t quite as good as Zsuzsanna Clark’s classic “Goulash and Solidarity,” but if you’re looking for awful...