ACORN stuff.
So the ACORN videos are crossing over to CNN and the Daily Show (h/t: Conor). At this point, it seems rather hard to deny that there’s something wrong with ACORN. By appearances, it looks...
So the ACORN videos are crossing over to CNN and the Daily Show (h/t: Conor). At this point, it seems rather hard to deny that there’s something wrong with ACORN. By appearances, it looks...
We are experiencing technical difficulties. If OG’s want – this is a good time to NOT post and not be logged in to the site. I’m not sure what’s wrong or when it will...
This startling figure from Investors Business Daily. Chart after the fold:
It turns out that rumors of a religiously-inspired anti-Darwin backlash were greatly exaggerated (credit goes to Freddie for his initial skepticism) – apparently, the Darwin biopic Creation can’t find a US distributor because it...
Guess what? Talk radio hosts and cable tv stars like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck say crazy, paranoid, flame-baiting, stupid, awful things. Surprise! They do it for the ratings. It’s a ploy that is...
A sharp op-ed on why safe havens for terrorists in Afghanistan don’t matter.
Chris writes: We live in an era where stockholders are aristocrats and the rest of us serfs. This is why incidentally redistributing their aristocratic wealth is not an avenue for liberation in my mind...