Politico’s look at the suprising political relevance of the ‘Obama Birther’ movement makes for a depressing read.
by Will · July 27, 2009
Politico’s look at the suprising political relevance of the ‘Obama Birther’ movement makes for a depressing read.
Will writes from Washington, D.C. (well, Arlington, Virginia). You can reach him at willblogcorrespondence at gmail dot com.
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The birthers are like the Mumia folk.
They just suck all the oxygen out of the room.
But, interestingly, they make for a handy tool for the opposition as well. We saw this with the 9/11 Truthers and the Sheehan fans and what have you.
If I oppose Obama’s Health Care plan and want to discuss how/why it’ll be a problem, a great way to derail the conversation is to talk about how the birthers oppose Obama too. Particularly stupid folk will say “well, they have a point, Hawaii destroyed all paperwork in the 90’s and have gone entirely digital which makes for falsification possible which is not to say that I agree with those who question, merely support their first amendment right to question, and it is a fair question, etc…” and, all of a sudden, we’re talking about nutty, nutty stuff instead of… what were we talking about? Oh yeah, health care.
The birthers ain’t gonna go away. They’re too useful.Report