Daily Archive: June 29, 2009

Gladwell on Free

Malcolm Gladwell can be very frustrating to read when he isn’t on his game, but I think people sometimes lose track of how fantastic he can be when he’s on. (Particularly when he agrees...

health care musings

[updated below] Peter Suderman, from his new perch at Reason Magazine, dissects the looming breakdown of the public option in Obama’s push for health care reform.  At the crux of the issue lies the...

It’s not enough…

…but a 150-year prison sentence is guaranteed to put Bernie Madoff away for the rest of his life.  Personally, I think he should spend it in the general population wing at Riker’s Island given...

what about effects?

In light of the decision by the Supreme Court in the now-famous New Haven firefighters case– or, rather, the decision by our country’s ruling philosopher king, Anthony Kennedy– I think we need to pause...