Tagged: super bowl


Ordinary World for Monday 21 January

Your Ordinary World for 21 January 2018 featuring links to stories on the Super Bowl, MLK Day, Women’s March, March for Life, President Trump’s media coverage, single women dining out, and income inequality after a disaster to read, share, and discuss.

Super Bowl 48: Community Smack & Trash Talk Open Thread

My guess is that most people, at most, can identify only one of the men pictured — John Elway. The other is the most Seahawksiest Seahawk ever. Talk about the Seahawks, the Broncos, the game itself, the commercials, or things that have nothing to do with football or parties in the open thread.

Ronald Reagan and Hosni Mubarak

Greetings to the League from “Jonny the Fiancé” (Think “Joe the Plumber” and “Tito the Builder”).  While Lisa is at her mother’s I have self-motivated to organize some of my thoughts on today’s noteworthy...

Super Bowl Open Thread

I don’t have a real rooting interest, but I am anticipating a great game. My tentative pick: Steelers over Packers, 28-24. Feel free to throw out any predictions, gambling tips, or jokes at Ben...

Andy McCarthy is right….

…the Saints did play like champions.  And it was a pretty damn good game right up until the end. After that interception, though, you could tell the Colts were rattled.  Peyton Manning especially.  That...