About-faces of Consequence
My overarching question is this: Can any of these figures articulate a set of principles that they’ve embraced throughout their processes?
My overarching question is this: Can any of these figures articulate a set of principles that they’ve embraced throughout their processes?
Let’s drop the “Daenerys Targaryen is SUCH a Mary Sue because too many men desired her.” That is misogyny wrapped up in an Internet meme.
Women who grew up idolizing Leia in Star Wars wanted something MORE than just Leia swooning and dying from a malignant case of motherhood.
You tell me you didn’t have a feminist icon until Wonder Woman, Millennials? I give you Scarlett O’Hara. Try her, you may like her.
Harley Quinn stayed with the Joker because she did the math and she decided she was better off with him than without him. That’s the reason why women stay with everyday bad guys who aren’t Jokers.
Fifty Shades of Grey was a terrible & dangerous book that normalized toxic attitudes about sex. Kushiel’s Dart was an interesting book on a similar topic that I liked.
Chantal Akerman’s 1975 masterpiece is a nail biting Hitchcockian thriller about housework. Really.
How much more satisfying might a romance be if you could see yourself there, not just a faceless, shapeless, personality-less blob like Bella Swan?
This time I’m actually reading GOOD romances instead of trashy ones.It’s a lot of work, and do you know why I’m doing this? It’s because romance MATTERS.
It’s not that I see this Peloton ad as dangerously glamorizing compulsive exercise or obsession with appearance; it’s not that deep.
A Star Is Born tells a real truth that women need to hear. Plus it’s a good movie.
Veronica Mars and Captain Marvel have the same fatal flaw.
In which Padme swoons, and dies. There is absolutely NO purpose to Padme’s death.
The thing about Mary Sue that makes her interesting despite her triteness is also what makes her 100% for sure not sexist. A Mary Sue is a female conception of an ideal female character.
Country songs that’ll make ya want to shout yee-haw! and throw off the yoke of patriarchal oppression.