Don’t Turn a Blind Eye as the GOP Starts to Implode Bureaucratically
Republicans failing to see the forest for the trees, or why the GOP may yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
Republicans failing to see the forest for the trees, or why the GOP may yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
In many foreign policy endeavors, President Biden has turned out to be far more conservative than Donald Trump, the isolationist
Biden’s poll numbers remain low, but the solution should be to help the president formulate a plan that will secure him another term in office
Biden and The Democrats Need A Big F’n Deal To Disrupt The Currents of History. Caution and timidity are not a Big F’n Deal.
Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ end of the week tradition of bringing you stories from around the world and across the interwebs to discuss
Neither Biden nor the media have portrayed this as defeat, but it is. The United States lost the War in Afghanistan
Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ end of the week tradition of discussing stories from around the world and across the web
Linky Friday is our tradition of ending the week with links from across the web to read and discuss plus the week that was at Ordinary Times
One of President Biden’s first actions as president is heading to court, as 21 state’s attorneys general sue to keep Keystone XL project going.
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times tradition of links and stories from around the web plus every you might have missed from week that was.
What should be pro forma is instead shaping up to be a clown show of historic proportions before the inevitable finally arrives.
We as a country are in for a national season of dazzling, baffling, and spreading of a big old hot political mess.
Why don’t Democrats win rurally anymore, and how can they start winning again? It’s really simple.
Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ Friday tradition bringing you stories from around the world and across the web to read, share, and discuss
The GOP got absolutely raked over the coals in the suburbs. Shellacked! Taken to the woodshed! Other metaphors!
We believe numbers. They convey an authority that seems objective. But numbers can also reflect the biases & deceptions of those who produce them.
Harsh Your Mellow Monday returns to deal with election analysis that only confirms your priors, voter fraud or lack there of, and Alex Trebek.
The United States has decided we want to work on the honor system for our elections, But we have ensured that no one has trust in each other.