Linky Friday: Crawling to the Finish Edition

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has since lived and traveled around the world several times over. Though frequently writing about politics out of a sense of duty and love of country, most of the time he would prefer discussions on history, culture, occasionally nerding on aviation, and his amateur foodie tendencies. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter @four4thefire and his food writing website Yonder and Home. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew's Heard Tell SubStack for free here:

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13 Responses

  1. Chip Daniels says:

    LF 9:
    The astounding thing about this is the thunderous silence from his party.
    A former general and national security advisor urges a dictatorship, and his party smirks and looks away.

    This is what I was referring to on the other thread, about what we can expect when another crisis happens. Covid hit America at a moment when tens of millions of people were already primed and eager to believe the worst about our institutions, and eagerly and actively credulous enough to believe the most idiotic things.

    Even after Jan 21, we will have about 40% of the electorate who view the other as essentially illegitimate, inferior beings unworthy of full rights as fellow citizens.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Chip Daniels says:

      The infuriating thing about this is the thunderous silence from his party.

      fixed it for ya as this is not astounding at all. His party is making a cold calculation that letting this run will ensure they win the Senate run-offs in Georgia and retain their majority. From which they intend to frustrate Mr. Biden just as they frustrated Mr. Obama in the hopes it will flip the WH and the House back to them.

      Republicans play a LONG game. Democrats don’t. Its been a tough lesson to learn.Report

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    LF9 – Flynn is an ass, he knows damn well that the military would adamantly refuse such an order, and they are absolutely right to refuse such an order.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Oscar Gordon says:

      He’s an ass with the support of the current president who has a cult of personality that numbers in the tens of millions. That makes such seditious calls dangerous in that if the president doesn’t follow them, other may well do so.Report

      • Oscar Gordon in reply to Philip H says:

        He’s an ass for lying through his damn teeth about it. There is no precedent for sending federal troops to redo an election that a given state has decided. Hell, there is no precedent for sending federal troops for anything except to support disaster relief efforts of the various state guard units and to respond to a military invasion by a foreign power. Stepping in to overturn an election one believes was fraudulent would effectively be a police action, which IIRC runs smack up against Posse Comitatus.

        And as a former general, he fecking knows this! He needs his ass kicked up between his ears for even suggesting such a thing.

        Fecking conservatives are all about states sovereignty right up until it gets in their way*.

        *Granted, liberals do this crap too, but conservatives toot that horn a lot louder than liberals do, so they get extra special hypocrisy points.Report

        • Flynn is calling for. the Insurrection Act, which authorizes the deployment of active-duty federal troops. It was used, for instance, to enforce desegregation orders in Little Rock in 1957, and to attempt to quell the rioting in LA in 1992. So he’s got the superficial legalities covered. (Attempting to use the Insurrection Act to steal an election would be an illegal order and arguably treason, of course.)Report

          • Dark Matter in reply to Mike Schilling says:

            I would suggest taking his command but that’s already been done. He’s now a professional media personality and is now famous for being outrageous.

            He’s generating attention for the book I assume he’s writing or trying to get a future job as a commentator (probably the former).

            It’s unfortunate that his previous life as a general gives him “respectability” credentials that he is now abusing, but I’ve thought that about Paul Krugman for years.Report

  3. Saul Degraw says:

    The New Yorker also had to put a big disclaimer on a prize winning story from 2018:

    The Atlantic also pulled a big story almost immediately after it was published in November of this year because the author coaxed a source into lying to the fact checker. The author, Ruth S. Bartlett, previously wrote as Ruth Shalit in the 1990s where she had some plagarism scandals that forced her into advertising.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Stuff like this makes me wish the FEC was a federal law enforcement agency in its own right.Report

    • Dark Matter in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      I can’t tell if there’s anything to see there or not from the information here. Jared set up a shell company to spend campaign money. Isn’t this normal? It’s been a few years, but I seem to remember HRC having an “elect HRC in year X” company.

      This hits the radar as the same as being breathlessly shocked at how a Billionaire pays taxes or how Trump “didn’t” (really “couldn’t”) step totally down from his company.Report

      • I think some of the “complaint” is the use of an LLC, which can be a lot less transparent than a regular corporation, including not revealing who the members are or if the structure makes some members more privileged than others.Report