Trumpism in a Nutshell
The deep thoughts of Thomas Webster, a Capitol rioter who attacked a police officer with a metal pole and attempted to gouge his eyes
The deep thoughts of Thomas Webster, a Capitol rioter who attacked a police officer with a metal pole and attempted to gouge his eyes
After first hearing this thoroughly lovely piece, I was surprised to learn that it was written by Charles Avison, an English composer I’d never heard of.
Carl Reiner was one of the funniest men in show business for almost 70 years, which hardly seems possible.
Since baseball in present time is on hold for the duration, let’s resume our travels through its past. We began post-WWII and proceeded through the Nationals’ first championship in 2019
We haven’t done one of these for a long time, but here goes: This week’s prompt is “A song from your preteen years”.
The 2010s are the first decade since the 1910s where the Yankees didn’t win a pennant.
I don’t care about pollution
I’m an air-conditioned gypsy
That’s my solution
Watch the police and the taxman miss me!
Not so dire? Damn straight! This week’s prompt, which should once again be a fun one: “A song that makes you want to dance”
Actually, it’s for you. This week’s music prompt: “A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget.”
Great by any name (The 40th, The Great G Minor, The One That Goes Dah-dah-dah, Dah-dah-dah , Dah-dah-dah-dah)