The Other Shoe…
For Michael LaCour, it has dropped.
Michael LaCour… has had his job offer as an incoming assistant professor at Princeton University rescinded. “We have completed our review and rescinded our offer of employment.”
In case any of you were wondering.
I think I only read this because you tweeted it, but I think it’s worth including here:
I’d like to think that the sorts of groups with whom he would agree would not someday hire him the way the groups with whom Lott agrees seem to have no problem hiring him. I don’t know that’s true, but I hope it is.
You know, in the mid-Aughts, Lott was a very popular cite among a certain segment of the blogosphere. I almost never see him talked about these days, though. Assuming that’s not just because I have less exposure to that segment, that looks like progress. Now if we could just get that same segment of the blogosphere to stop treating common and well-documented statistical techniques as signs of fraud and conspiracy.Report