Linky Friday: The Full Range of Human Emotion Edition

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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7 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg says:

    A surprisingly decent article from the NYT on the consequences of the boundless credulity with which academia and the media respond to accusations of racism.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    While it might be *TECHNICALLY* true that Biden authorized air strikes in Syria, South Dakota’s Attorney General killed a man while driving distractedly.Report

    • Mike Schilling in reply to Jaybird says:

      He claims he’d thought he hit a deer, although the dead man’s face came through his windshield. He was charged with three misdemeanors that could add up to as much as 90 days in jail and $1,500.Report

  3. Oscar Gordon says:

    LF5: Set it at $10/hr, and tie it to inflation. Add a stipulation that states can set their own min-wage, but it must also be tied to inflation.Report

  4. Saul Degraw says:

    CPAC goes all in on Baal:

    The shorts, sandals, and twinkle twinkle little star wand are a nice touch.Report

  5. Saul Degraw says:

    “Fritz Berggren, a mid-ranking Foreign Service officer, openly uses his name and image as he espouses these and other controversial views, according to a review of his online postings. Current and former State Department officials noted the connection to POLITICO in recent days.

    “Jesus Christ came to save the whole world from the Jews — the founders of the original Anti-Christ religion, they who are the seed of the Serpent, that brood of vipers,” states an Oct. 4 blog post signed “Fritz Berggren, PhD” and titled “Jews are Not God’s Chosen People. Judeo-Christian is Anti-Christ.”

    “They murdered Jesus Christ,” the 5,300-word post continues, “How then can they be God’s chosen?”

    Berggren’s voluminous output dates back to at least September 2017, according to the archives of his website, An about page for the site, also signed “Fritz Berggren, PhD,” offers what appears to be a manifesto of sorts. Like several of his other posts, it includes a video of Berggren expanding on his views.”

  6. Jaybird says:

    Why is Portland still having riots?
