Beaks & Ballots: The Penguin, Politics, and Populism

Alex M. Parker

Alex Parker is a policy writer in Washington, D.C. with 15 years of journalism experience.

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20 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    On the one hand, the GOP is clearly Trump’s party now. On the other hand he is a very unhealthy man in his 70s suffering from some form of dementia/cognitive decline and seemingly only survived COVID because he was El Jefe at the time and got access to care and treatment denied to the overwhelming majority of people.

    I am still not sure Trump will be healthy enough to run a campaign in 2024. I am not sure he will even be alive or cognizant at that time. His failchildren are not going to get people out voting. Ivanaka is too polished to master Trump’s dark charisma/blowhard in the bar routine. Jr. and Eric are too pathetic. I am not sure that there is a GOPer who can do it either. Hawley and Cotton are too dweeby to pull it off. Cruz might have finally done something so prickish that it kills his political career. He is certainly hated nationwide that I don’t think he can win back Georgia or Arizona for the Republicans. He might even manage to lose Ohio, Iowa, and Florida.

    So assume Trump kicks the bucket before 2024, who takes over the own the libs/black tar heroin that Trump gave to the Proud Boys and the GOP base?Report

    • Oscar Gordon in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      And that’s all assuming NY or GA doesn’t manage to convict him of a felony before 2024.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Oscar Gordon says:

        I predict NY state and NYC do before Georgia. They have a head start.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Oscar Gordon says:

        And now the DA Vance has the tax records. THis will get interesting sooner rather than later.Report

        • Oscar Gordon in reply to Philip H says:

          I was wondering if Trump would bully his accountants or their lawyers into risking a contempt of court charge. He might have tried, but it sounds like they weren’t willing to risk that.Report

        • JS in reply to Philip H says:

          Most likely. Trump rather famously just…makes up his net worth based on how he’s feeling.

          Which you can do in an interview, because you’re allowed to lie on this. If you’re doing it on your taxes or especially applications for bank loans….not so much.

          The tax returns aren’t really the important part, it’s the underlying documents used to determine Trump’s net worth from year to year, as well as the records to determine losses and gains.

          Because the net worth numbers on his taxes must match the ones on his loan applications, or else he committed either tax fraud or bank fraud or both. And I’m guessing the smart money is those numbers will not match.

          Then we get into questionable deductions — this was a guy openly self-dealing from his charity, so those are pretty much a given.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Sarah Palin.Report

  2. LeeEsq says:

    A lot of college educated liberals are really cynical about the use of symbolism and imagery, especially patriotic symbolism and imagery. Part of this is because they really want to win on policy like Stevenson rather than on what they see as cheap tactics and tricks. The other part is because many of them are much more skeptical about whether America was really all that great to begin with and are totally committed to what they see as the real history of the country.; racism, sexism, and imperialism motivated by rather bad form of Calvinism.

    The problem is that many Americans, especially working class Americans, really do tend towards patriotism. Biden’s “America has great ideals that we didn’t always live up to” is probably a more accurate gage on how most African-Americans and other Democratic supporting voters see America than the bearded Spock version of American history. Liberals are going to need to get more used to using hokey patriotism if they want to win.Report

    • Jesse in reply to LeeEsq says:

      As I’ve said before, whomever actually becomes the first person of the Left to become POTUS will do clad in the flag, and talking about “finishing the work of FDR, JFK, and Obama,” not talking about Cuba or Denmark, even if their are positive aspects to both those countries.Report

      • LeeEsq in reply to Jesse says:

        Biden seems to be doing this. His bills are the most solidly liberal/left we have seen in a long time. He doesn’t even appear to ne attempting triangulation.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    “I wanted to show that the true villains of our world don’t necessarily wear costumes,” he said.


  4. Great, great piece!! Insightful and fun! Thanks for sharing it!Report

  5. refusing to kiss babies

    This rings a definite bell. A woman asks Batman to kiss her baby, he demurs, explaining that it isn’t safe because babies’ immune systems are’t fully developed, and she snarls “Are you calling my baby unsanitary?”Report