Obama Youth
Michelle Bachmann isn’t really all that crazy. She’s just finding a better way – a more purified way – to voice what the conservative movement has been saying all along.
Oh sure, indicating that Obama will force our youth into “re-education” camps sounds crazy, but it’s just the logical extension of all the crazy-sounding “policy” coming out of the Beck/Limbaugh/Coulter axis. That such wild talk radio jargon should have infiltrated our government, and essentially dominated the GOP, isn’t all that crazy either. We elected Bush/Cheney for a second term, after-all. Anything in this wide, wide world is possible.
I see what you’re saying, but even if Bachmann’s statement isn’t radically different from what Limbaugh/Beck/Coulter put out on a daily basis, she managed to articulate it in a way that calls attention to just how mainstream outright insanity is within the GOP.Report
Of course it isn’t crazy to say that Obama will be putting our children to “re-education camps” because he has said it many times, and he is trying to pass legislation that would legally permit it. I don’t want to go through all the particulars. Look up HR 1338 and HR 1444. There’s also some really informative videos on Youtube about Obama Youth.Report
On Youtube? Oh well then, that proves it…Report