Monthly Archive: April 2019
Wednesday Writs for 4/3
This week’s Writs include a SCOTUS roundup, a courtroom battle of the beers, hovercraft moose hunting, dumb criminals and more.
The Real Moochers of America
Everyone pays taxes, even if their 1040 doesn’t result in any more tax payment.
Tech Tuesday 04/02/19 – “I Live In A Madhouse This Week” Edition
Got family in town all week, with their two boys that Bug loves, and the new (adopted) teenage daughter (that he’s warming up to).
Ordinary Bookclub: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (Chapters 1-5)
Okay. So we’ve read the first five chapters.
What do you think?
Don’t Fear the Robots
Impressive as the tech is, it is important to remember that the Boston Dynamics videos are trailers for a movie that isn’t yet made.