Monthly Archive: June 2018


The School of Art: Learn How to Make Great Art with 40 Simple Lessons is a book you need to buy for yourself that can teach you a great deal about Art.

If you have kids, you can even say that you got it for them


Manafort Ordered to Jail

Paul Manafort is in custody after a US District court judge ruled he had violated the terms of his pre-trial release. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation had filed additional charges alleging Manafort had been attempting to tamper with witnesses in the six months of house arrest.

Democrats and Chicken Little Politics

This is the problem for Democrats. All of the comparisons to Hitler, all of the sky is falling rhetoric, and all of the breathless coverage of Trump’s… inept administration will not force people to feel anxious enough. What if… and this is the gut punch question.. what if it turns out the new normal ain’t so bad?