The Uses and Abuses of Donuts
How a gourmet donut shop became a battleground over gentrification, anarchism, white pride, and everything else.
How a gourmet donut shop became a battleground over gentrification, anarchism, white pride, and everything else.
The right college at the right price and also three year olds in school.
Since the most basic concept of sport is “there can only be one winner”, does the not winning become a source of frustration, cause pride in loyalty, or become a catalyst for change?
This edition of Retroactive: This Week in Ordinary Times: A piece on the #GSK killer that has earned praise from the true crime genre, a new series on #Education gets started with establishing fact from fiction, how modern protests of classic art misses the point, #culturewar and #fakenews are nothing new, and a great piece about one man’s vision for his city, and how we can tackle tough issues like #housing and urban development practically.
A fine translation of a fine boardgame that makes a fine game to play in another window as you do other stuff
On Carcassonne
Legal tea leaves are among the hardest to read, but plenty of folks are immediately speculating what this might all mean for not just Manafort but the Mueller probe as a whole
Parts of the Big Island of Hawaii are under evacuation orders and the rest is on high alert. After several days of warnings, the Kilauea delivered with the first eruption in several years.
This Week: Oppression, Relationships, Internet, Vice, and the Planet.
Like the paper barons of old, the real purpose of the online culture war is not the cause the true believers are fighting for. The real end-goal is the perpetual money machine that eternal aggrievement and outrage feeds.
Science can blow your mind sometimes, and this time it has come down on the side of *two spaces after a period*.
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) April 28, 2018
This is why we shouldn't pretend science can answer ethical questions: it can tell us whether one or two spaces is more readable, but not that double spaces are an abomination to be put to the flame.
— Turduckin Recursion (@lessdismalsci) April 28, 2018
Rudy Giuliani made some comments on Hannity Wednesday night that will no doubt be the topic discussion in the days to come. Contradicting the President, he had some rather astonishing statements.
The day after Facebook announced new changes to the platform following a spat of controversy surrounding their association with Cambridge Analytica comes the news that the firm is closing up shop.
The Boy Scouts have been around for 108 years, but new changes announced mean their flagship program for 11-17 year olds will no longer carry “Boy”.