Monthly Archive: July 2017
“War for the Planet of the Apes” Movie Review
War for the Planet of the Apes” is the rare third entry that actually tops its predecessors.
Little Red CoreDEBT
A look at the relative culpability of overly optimistic borrowers for automobile loans.
George Romero Made A Perfect Movie
George Romero has died. His contributions, like his beloved monsters, have not.
Fourteenth Amendment, How I Love You, But You Are a Mess
I discuss the difficulties of constitutional interpretation of the 14th Amendment as it relates to the fundamental rights to be free from both racial and religious discrimination.
Morning Ed: Gender {2017.07.17.M}
“But there’s something beside the shoreline
Moving across the beachhead
Coming up from the shipwreck
Making as if to say…”
Ross Douthat Reads Them For The Articles
Naked people in pornography and naked people in media are two very different types of naked people, implies Ross Douthat routinely.
The Cable And The Stream
In which I am the last person on Earth to discover that cable television is doomed.