Monthly Archive: January 2015
My review of Capitalism this Holiday season, or: Cancel Comcast and don’t rent a car from Avis
Christopher reviews Capitalism’s winners and losers from this past Holiday season.
Your Union Rep
My family consists of working class whites, so of course they always vote for Republicans.
Linky Friday #97
This week: Europe, Freedom, Blasphemy, Culture, Housing, Healthcare, and Transportation!
The Monsters Are Always Due on Maple Street
Because of the very true — but very impoliitc — realization that, at certain times and with certain topics, we are our own worst enemy.
“Je Suis Charlie” (updated)
I did my research in France and still have dear friends there, so this picture that un copain forwarded came as no surprise, but was affecting nonetheless:
Stupid Tuesday Questions: La Bouche Edition
It was a dark and stormy night. My Pandora station based on Europe’s The Final Countdown could have gone in any direction…
An Unconvincing Neoliberal Critique of Mario Cuomo
Slate comes to bury Mario Cuomo, not to praise him. I dissent.
Some Kind of Life
Notes on Stefan Zweig’s “The Post Office Girl”, assimilation, and shifting fortunes.
Ain’t No Fortunate Son
Gabriel Conroy pushes back against the Atlantic’s recent defense of a military draft.
Sneaking Off To Utah
At some point, Utah became a haven for mothers wanting to put their children up for adoption without the father’s consent.