The Rookie Road Warriors
Jaybird and Mike Dwyer compare notes about their experiences as (relatively) new business travelers.
Jaybird and Mike Dwyer compare notes about their experiences as (relatively) new business travelers.
Follow a bunch of links from around the world! Cities, Europe, Russia, Asia, Middle East, and the United States of America!
It’s the last night of Hanukkah, it’s the night before Christmas, it’s two days before Kwanzaa, we’re in the middle of Pancha Ganapati, and tomorrow is Dies Natalis Solis Invicti.
So we’ve got that going for us.
Degraw basically admits he really likes school. Big surprise.
I drank some cheap coffee…FOR SCIENCE! Let’s see how it tasted.
Will Truman uses Washington DC’s airports, the Washington Post writes about them, and Will Truman comments.
The days will start getting longer, but colder too, so we’re working to get the last two beams finished so we can move indoors!