Monthly Archive: November 2014
Defining Bonkers
James Hanley doubts the argument against subsidies for federal health care exchanges is bonkers.
Never Say Die: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Saul DeGraw looks into the latest ACA case to head to the Supremes
If you’re like me, you’ve found a ton of games perfect for 4 players, fewer perfect for 6, and darned few perfect for more than that. Last night, I found one perfect for 7 or 8.
Linky Friday #89: The Tick Edition
Links! This week: Economics, Culture, Crime, Government, and Animals!
Fantasy Football Week 9 In Review And NFL Open Thread
We’re starting to mathematically eliminate people from the playoffs…
The Fish and the Manual
A revealing remark from a prosecutor arguing before the Supreme Court today, complete with Burt Likko’s translation of an exchange in plain English.
More on Liberalism: The Democratic Party and the White Working Class Vote
Yesterday I received an e-mail about a seminar on the future of life-work balance. The seminar was being put on by the Women’s Law Caucus in San Francisco. My immediate thought was “Why is...
A Meathead Watches Gilmore Girls (“Kill Me Now” and “The Deer Hunters”)
Notes I am absolutely floored by the response to the first post, which has been simultaneously energetic and incredibly weird. I don’t assume that this will continue but it is fun while it lasts....
Thoughts on the 2014 Midterm Elections and Liberalism’s Future
Saul Degraw attempts to read the tea leaves.
Mirror, Mirror: The Gilmore Girls, Knocked Up, and Criticism in the Internet Age
Seriously, what were the odds the Gilmore Girls Book Club would spawn follow up posts?