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15 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    The first of these issues did a very good job of making you wonder how much of Lyta’s Delirium (there’s that word!) is representative of her own personal experience and how much is actually happening behind the curtain that she, somehow, fought to get behind. (Those of you who remember American Gods, I flashed back to the scene where Laura asked for a glass of water.)

    I don’t know that Loki’s actions are attributable to what he might be foreseeing as much as he saw that Lyta was a gun, cocked and loaded. Loki pulled the trigger.Report

    • Reformed Republican in reply to Jaybird says:

      V nyjnlf gubhtug ur jnf qbvat Qernz’f ovqqvat. Ur jnf cerccvat Qnavry gb gnxr uvf cynpr. Vg jnf nyy neenatrq ol Zbecurhf, jurgure Ybxv naq Chpx ernyvmrq vg pbzcyrgryl be abg. Obgu bs gurz ner va gur zbegny jbeyq jvgubhg crezvffvba, ohg Qernz ranoyrq gurz gb fgnl. Gurl bjr uvz n snibe. V guvax guvf vf Qernz pnfuvat va nf ur pbzzvg fhvpvqr va gur zbfg qenzngvp jnl cbffvoyr.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        Yup, I am with RR.Report

      • Jason Tank in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        V qba’g xabj vs V oryvrir gung. Qernz znxrf naq fvpf gur Pbevaguvna ba gurz, juvpu vf n fuvggl guvat gb qb gb n thl va lbhe rzcybl. Naq Ybxv’f “V jvyy or haqre na boyvtngvba gb ab bar” frrzf yvxr fbzrbar gelvat gb trg bhg bs na boyvtngvba engure guna shysvyyvat bar. V fhccbfr Qernz pbhyq unir nfxrq Ybxv gb srgpu Qnavry, naq Ybxv vafgrnq whfg znqr bss jvgu gur xvq… ohg gura gurer’f gur ceboyrz bs Qernz nggrzcgvat gb xvyy Ylgn yngre. Naq V guvax vg jbhyq or jrveq sbe gur fgbel gb abg rire zragvba gung Ybxv jnf nfxrq ol Qernz gb qb nalguvat. V fhccbfr guvf pbhyq nyy or n Ongzna Tnzovg ur frg hc hapbafpvbhfyl, naq frg hc fb jryy gung vg rira nssrpgrq uvz, ohg V whfg qba’g oryvrir vg.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        @jason-tank – ohg Qernz bayl fraqf gur Pbevaguvna nsgre Ybxv oernxf pbagenpg naq tbrf ebthr (juvpu Qernz xarj, be ng yrnfg ubcrq, ur jbhyq). Erzrzore gung Qernz rkcyvpvgyl pbagenpgrq sbe na boyvtngvba sebz Ybxv, sbe ercynpvat Ybxv va uvf cevfba jvgu n “ubybtenz”, naq jr’ir arire frra jung gung boyvtngvba vf.

        V guvax Ybxv GUVAXF ur’f pnhfvat Qernz gebhoyr ol oernxvat uvf boyvtngvba, naq uvf oheavat Pneyn gb qrngu jnf nyzbfg pregnvayl abg cneg bs Qernz’f cyna; ohg V guvax Zbecurhf ratvarrerq guvf jubyr guvat.

        I’m sure we’ll talk about all this again later 🙂Report

      • Reformed Republican in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        V nterr. V guvax gur oheavat bs Qnavry’f zbegnyvgl jnf erdhverq gb cercner uvz gb orpbzr Qernz. V guvax Qernz pnaabg qverpgyl qb guvf orpnhfr bs ehyrf qvpgngvat ubj ur pna vaibyir uvzfrys va zbegny nssnvef.Report

      • Jason Tank in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        Vs Qernz frag Ybxv gb qb nal bs guvf… jul abg gryy gur Pbevaguvna? “Url, V arrq lbh gb svaq guvf obl. Ur yvirf ng guvf cynpr. Tb gurer. Bu, naq V gbyq guvf bgure thl gb qb fbzrguvat gb uvz, svefg. Lbh cebonoyl qba’g arrq gb xabj gung. Pbhyqa’g cbffvoyl uryc.”Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        @jason-tank – Bar, Qernz qbrfa’g xabj jurer Ybxv/Qnavry vf abj. Jura Ybxv jrag bss-erfreingvba, ur cerfhznoyl jnf fzneg rabhtu gb YVGRENYYL tb bss-erfreingvba. Gjb, Qernz znl or gelvat gb xrrc uvf bja vaibyirzrag n frperg. Naq guvf vf yrnivat nfvqr gur cbffvovyvgl ur’f fnvq fghss gb gur Pbevaguvna “bss-fperra”.

        Like I said, I am sure we’ll discuss this again further down the road.Report

      • Jason Tank in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        V xabj jr pbhyq xrrc nethvat guvf sberire, uru. Urer’f zl gubhtug cebprff va fhzznel:

        Zbecurhf fraqf Znggurj naq Gur Pbevaguvna gb Rnegu gb trg Qnavry, naq gur ynggre fgehttyrf jvgu Pneyn’f ynfg ivfvbaf orsber svanyyl vqragvslvat Ybxv. Zbecurhf vf yngre fhecevfrq gung gur gjb unir yrsg gur jnxvat jbeyq jura gurl jrer fhccbfrq gb or trggvat Qnavry. Guvf znxrf zr guvax gung Qernz qvqa’g xabj Ybxv unq Qnavry, rvgure.

        Bqva gryyf Zbecurhf ubj Ybxv punsrf gb or orubyqra. Xvyyvat Pneyn, Ybxv snveyl naabhaprf gung guvf vf uvf jnl bs trggvat bhg bs na boyvtngvba. Naq ng gur raq, va n zbzrag bs pynevgl, Ybxv ernyvmrf ur unq orra znavchyngrq. Guvf znxrf zr guvax gung Ybxv jnfa’g npgvat ng Qernz’f cebzcgvat.

        Abar bs guvf nqqf hc gb Ybxv naq Qernz xabjvatyl jbexvat gbtrgure gbjneqf na raq. Vg cbvagf zber gb n fhopbafpvbhf npgvba ba Qernz’f cneg nyy gur jnl onpx va Frnfba bs Zvfgf. (Be cbffvoyl rira sebz Yhpvsre’f qrfver gb qrfgebl uvz.) Juvpu oevatf zr onpx gb gur dhrfgvba: jung qvq Ybxv guvax ur jbhyq tnva ol znxvat Qnavry vzzbegny?Report

  2. Reformed Republican says:

    I am not sure if this has been pointed out in a previous week, but the first panel of each of the issues in this arc has some sort of thread running across it, along with dialogue that could come from one of The Ladies. In the first issue, it actually is the ladies with their actual thread of fate. There are a couple issues in the middle that do not have the image (I am not sure why), but it is apparent in most of the issues. It is a really nice touch in this arc.Report

  3. Glyph says:

    Being stuck in a story one must fulfill… that’s right up Dream’s alley, too. – There was an AVClub article on Breaking Bad the other day, talking about the concept of The Clockwork Universe, but as dramatic setting rather than philosophical or scientific worldview:,101278/

    One thing that I think makes Sandman so satisfying as story, and I talked about this way back in my series introduction without using those exact words, is that it is set in exactly such a clockwork universe, in which a limited number of parts and players keep intersecting, inexorably, to move the plot forward. In my writeup of a couple issues ago, I didn’t point out that Rose Walker was Daniel’s babysitter “Rose” – but OF COURSE she would be. It couldn’t be anybody else.

    Titania is not pleased. Once again, we get the implication that Titania and Morpheus are (or were) more than friends. Titania seems more than a bit jealous.

    Regarding Loki’s actions: V crefbanyyl fhofpevor gb gur gurbel gung Zbecurhf, creuncf vaqverpgyl, vf Ybxv’f rzcyblre urer – naq gung Zbecurhf unq Ybxv xvqanc Qnavry cerpvfryl ORPNHFR ur xarj Ybxv, tbq bs sver naq jvg naq ungr, jbhyq varivgnoyl “orgenl” uvz naq ohea Qnavry, juvpu vf jung Zbecurhf hygvzngryl arrqrq gb unccra.Report

    • North in reply to Glyph says:

      Ybxv’f ernpgvba ng gur raq bs guvf nep ornef gung bhg. Ur jnf hfrq ohg jnfa’g njner ur jnf orvat hfrq hagvy gur irel raq. Gur bayl cneg V’z crefbanyyl hapyrne ba vf vs Qernz jnf pbafpvbhfyl frggvat guvf hc be hapbafpvbhfyl qbvat fb.Report

  4. Ken says:

    In the fantasy, … In reality, …

    I’m not so sure there’s a difference; or if there is, which is more important.

    I’m also in complete agreement with RR’s and Glyph’s interpretations. Wheels within wheels…Report

    • Jason Tank in reply to Ken says:

      I pointed out the fantasy/reality thing because it shows a difference between some of the things she encounters. Some are trying to help her, and they have real-world analogues. Others are trying to hurt her, and they are, as the homeless guy said, only in her head.Report