Daily Archive: July 2, 2013

Sarcasm victim of vicious machete attack

I was planning on following up on the Twitchy-Eyed, Machete-Wielding Savages, but The Ottawa Citizen‘s Kate Heartfield beat me to it (and I thank her for making my work here so much easier). Ms. Heartfield...

A Question for Our Legal Eagles

I’ve been watching the trial of George Zimmerman off and on over the past week and yesterday I caught Sean Hannity discussing it on his radio show.  Hannity kept saying that the prosecution couldn’t...

Slightly tardy Tuesday questions, inconceivable edition

This week’s Question comes to you courtesy of NewDealer.  Take it away, amigo: “I have two Tuesday question submissions that come from a reoccurring theme in my life. I am not a fan of the Princess Bride. I think it is a cute enough movie but this still causes a ton of gasps and shock and awe because it is apparently the best movie ever made (to seemingly everyone in the universe except me). This often gets people to tell […]