Cries Out For A Caption Contest
The author of the funniest caption will win a preview of an upcoming Monday Trivia question at Not A Potted Plant.
by Burt Likko · November 30, 2012
Burt Likko
Pseudonymous Portlander. Pursuer of happiness. Bon vivant. Homebrewer. Atheist. Recovering Republican. Recovering Catholic. Recovering divorcé. Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Ordinary Times. Relapsed Lawyer, admitted to practice law (under his real name) in California and Oregon. There's a Twitter account at @burtlikko, but not used for posting on the general feed anymore. House Likko's Words: Scite Verum. Colite Iusticia. Vivere Con Gaudium.
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We’re wiggling our noses just like on Bewitched and Fox News still hasn’t disappeared.Report
Caption 1: N0body will be really impressed by this if we don’t break out all Gangnam Style.
Caption 2: Black Man and White Teenage Girl making funny faces. There are so many ways this could turn out poorly.
Caption: 3: ” A preview of a trivia question. What kind of lame prize is that!?!?”Report
“Phyisical cliff? Whatever.”Report
Can I declare an early winner?Report
Only if he said “pyhisical” on purpose, and with an accent.Report
who is that?Report
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Barack Obama.Report
“Who is that?” is my favorite to win.Report
seriously i just checked the metadata on the picture and got jack and squat living together in unholy matrimony beyond the name of the file author. is she on one of those disney tween joints?Report
(The young gymnast McKayla Maroney. She made a face similar to that one when she won a silver medal at the most recent olympics. You can google ‘McKayla Maroney is not impressed’ if you’d like to check out the meme associated with her unimpressedness.)Report
thank you. i feel like i just sneezed after a period of being unable to sneeze.Report
Thanks, learned something already today. I saw this pic floating around a few days ago and thought she must be from some teevee show or something.Report
“Ak ak. Ak ak ak ak ak. Ak ak ak ak ak ak.”Report
Biden could tell from their faces that he should probably put his shirt back on.Report
So they are looking at this?Report
I’m calling this one the winner. Just the right amount of wrong.Report
If you do this with your mouth the White House beer tastes better.Report
“I told you Biden wouldn’t stick the landing.”Report
Oh Gawd. Bo’s humping Hillary’s leg again….Report
Is that what Biden calls Gangham style?Report