The Adventures of the Delineator: The Rescue of Princess Ama Part I
~by Jon Stonger From the Logs of Captain Dave: "You have got to be pulling me through a black hole!" said Doc. "This can’t happen. I know the universe is a cruel, perverse and...
~by Jon Stonger From the Logs of Captain Dave: "You have got to be pulling me through a black hole!" said Doc. "This can’t happen. I know the universe is a cruel, perverse and...
~by Ryan B I want to bounce off of this Alyssa Rosenberg post, not because we have a deep disagreement, but because I think she’s not being totally fair. She’s certainly right that Abrams’...
I have very little patience for the school of thought that says that everything boils down to class warfare. But if I absolutely must pick a class — because some folks insist on it...
If you watch this Hayek vs. Keynes rap again, you’ll notice that very rarely throughout are the two men actually disagreeing with one another. They’re largely talking past one another, with Keynes speaking directly to...
Videos we post at The League show up here. Is this automatic or does someone have to set it up?
Drew Westen’s piece on the failure of the president to tell the right stories has met with much ire across the blogosphere. I find this odd. After all, the same people who often say...
Just to supplement a bit the central argument of this great post from Shawn, I’d like to point your attention towards the following from The Monkey Cage. In the post, Eric Schickler, “a political...
TomDispatch has published Barbara Ehrenreich’s new afterword for the tenth anniversary of her now classic work Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. Here is my favorite passage, although it’s definitely worth...
~by Shawn Gude Freddie deBoer had a good post recently bemoaning Obama’s illiberal tendencies. You should read the whole thing, but this passage touches on something I’ve been thinking about lately: Not a day...
I confess: I’ve been engaged here at the League for this long only so that I can get my hands on the behind-the-scenes interface. Now that Erik has fallen for my long-laid plan, I’m...
Forgive me if I go a little regional: For those that still believe that movement conservatives are anti-government and pro-free market except in very specific self-serving circumstances, I might recommend taking a look at...
I know what you’re going to say: I’m getting you to do my homework for me! But I’m working on designing my Enlightenment course today and I’m trying to select a single text for the English Empiricism...
It appears that my long-time moniker RTod is going the way of the buggy whip, “Trumwill,” and the edginess once associated with the Simpsons as I join the League’s regular posting… um… stable? Team? ...
Here’s Krugman: It’s not the whole story, but something like this threatens to develop: 1. US debt is downgraded, sparking demands for more ill-advised fiscal austerity 2. Fears that this austerity will depress the...
At Cato Unbound this month, Kay Hymowitz looks at the trends and considers whether men are in decline: Women today are entering adulthood with more education, more achievements, more property, and, arguably, more money...
~by Tom Van Dyke Well, the problem isn’t perhaps-GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry attending a semi-political prayer meeting. This stuff happens all the time. [His playing Pontifex Maximus for it and the potential political...
In a response to my latest, Kevin Drum goes into greater detail as to why he finds the criticism and advice doled out by Westen (among others) unconvincing. I think he makes some good...
The late preeminent liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith once complained in The Affluent Society that where Democrats once stood for an issue of great importance in emphasizing production, they lost that issue by misunderstanding...
Tossed off almost like an aside, and one of those lines I had to go back and listen to multiple times while somewhere on I-65 in the northern half of Indiana, Eric Foner speculates...