Truth, Justice, and the American (sexual) Way
With blogging, I sometimes wonder if I’ve really accomplished anything by linking to another text and saying, “Hey, look at this bizarre thing some dude wrote!” I might just be jawboning and gossiping here and adding nothing of real value. And yet…hey, look at this bizarre thing Michael Gerson wrote!
Actually, it’s a good column with some shrewd insights into human nature; but there’s this weird invective at the end. And it makes me wonder if Michael Gerson is really angry with the straw men he’s burning, or if he’s playing to a readership who needs to see the lines clearly drawn between themselves and the moral Other.
First, let’s praise Michael Gerson! He wants us to have more grace when politicians are caught in sex scandals. The truth is that people can be malicious and people can be stupid; but, when it comes to lust, they’re more often being stupid than malicious. Instead of seeing adultery as evidence of a warped and evil character, we might see a human being failing to use their judgment, which is, of course, a feature and not a bug, of our species.
Gerson recalls that his friend Mark Souder was a good man and dedicated public servant, who also made some stupid sexual decisions. He cites C.S. Lewis’s idea that the Diabolical sins- viciousness, backbiting, spite, meanness- cause more spiritual damage than Animal sins of the flesh. Gerson calls on “moral conservatives” to consider the whole person and not be so quick to condemn human failings out of hand. Gerson’s basic decency shines through here. Seriously.
But, then Gerson worries that he will be read as saying that the personal lives of political figures are totally irrelevant in terms of their job (imagine that!), and so he evens things up by also arguing against the “moral liberals”, who, according to Gerson, have yet to learn that:
“The failure of human beings to meet their own ideals does not disprove or discredit those ideals. The fact that some are cowards does not make courage a myth. The fact that some are faithless does not make fidelity a joke.”
I’ll ask the obvious: Who the hell is he talking about here?! I work in academia, so I know plenty of liberals, radical feminists, Marxists, hippies, libertarians, anarchists, and despite the myth, quite a few conservatives. I can’t think of anyone I know who, when hearing about a politician’s sexual affairs, laughs and says, “Just goes to show you- being faithful to your spouse is a joke!“
Now, sometimes, liberals will laugh at Republicans who get caught with their pants down, and call them “family values hypocrites”. Personally, I find this argument to be graceless, smug, self-righteous, and a bit ridiculous, given the fact that every politician on the left or the right crows about their beloved spouse and deep religious faith. If you can find a Democratic politician calling for open marriage and Satanism, please cite them.
But that’s a far cry from anyone saying that courage and faithfulness are a joke. I also think Gerson’s term “moral liberal” is intentionally confusing. I think we’re to associate the political left with an abiding contempt for things like faithfulness and honor that the vast majority of “us” hold dear. Gerson imagines a slender, ivy-league, debauchee in a dashiki, with a vaguely European accent, her husband on one arm and lesbian lover on the other, smoking a Gitanes and laughing about the readers at home who don’t cheat on their spouses. “Ha! The old tigers are scared, Baby!”
Meanwhile, the liberal in the White House is a Midwestern square- a black Jimmy Stewart and avatar of traditional family values. The political left is arguing for more people, not less, to be ensconced in a traditional marital structure. And even those in the “sex positive” or “non-monogamous” communities consistently insist that cheating, or as they call it “non-consensual non-monogamy”, is unethical and wrong. Honesty is crucial in every marriage. And monogamy is clearly the right answer for the vast majority of couples. Incidentally, the 70s are over.
So, for the Michael Gersons of the world, the good news is that no one really thinks you’re foolish for believing in courage, truth, honor, and marital fidelity. What some of us find offensive is instead your insistence that only people like you really value those traits, or that people who differ with you on matters of public policy do so because they despise truth, honor, courage and fidelity. Why not argue politics and policy with real people instead of cartoons?
One thing that definitely did not help the Social Conservatives was that their sex scandals were *WEIRD*.
I mean, when the Mark Sanford thing happened, it was almost boring. How vanilla to merely have a mistress!
Prior to that, we had how many weird scandals? There was Larry Craig, and David Vitter, and that one guy who was caught cybering pages, and that’s not even getting into the (no pun intended) lay leaders of the social conservative movement such as Ted Haggard.
When you spend as much time talking about Fidelity and Continence and whathaveyou and you implicitly argue that only folks like you are capable of such things while folks like those other folks ought not have marriage options extended to them, it becomes even more wonderful when we find that you have been photographed in an underground “Spaghetti Brothel”* engaging in acts that I shall not describe on a family website.
(* don’t bother googling this term. I just now made it up in an effort to come up with something that sounds like it might exist and would be a really apt euphemism for something really kinky but isn’t explicitly descriptive of whatever that thing might be.)Report
@Jaybird, I really did feel bad for Larry Craig because it was something I could imagine really being a case of mixed signals and not cruising. I could see something like that happening to Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm and him screaming, “I have a wide stance! Why can`t I have a wide stance?!”Report
@Rufus F., without delving *TOO* far into the scatological, I’ll ask you to drop your pants around your ankles the next time you find yourself on the porcelain throne and make your stance as wide as you can.
Heck, don’t drop them around your ankles, keep them at your knees. Get wide!
(Seriously, the day this story broke, I said “this smells fishy” and went and made all kinds of stances with all levels of pants-putting. “Wide” described *NONE* of them.)Report
@Jaybird, Aside from your slur against the spaghetti brothel community, I agree with you.
However, I look at political sex scandals this way- we have this woman on our block who sits on her front porch for hours every evening chatting with people. If you talk to her, what you find is that she’s gossiping about everyone on the block who isn’t present. There’s something really ugly about her prying into everyone’s lives and her willingness to draw the most mean-spirited conclusions from the flimsiest of evidence. And my wife and I just assume she gossips about us when we’re not there. After a few conversations when we first moved in, we’ve had no use for her and avoided talking to her.
I think a lot of us would like to see the prying-gossip-on her-porch aspect removed from the US political conversation because it is a lousy character trait to indulge, right? The problem, as I see it, is that the left knows it’s a lousy aspect of politics, but nevertheless think it’s worth it to nail one of those Republican bastards after they saw to it that everyone in America knows what Clinton did with his cigar. Republicans, meanwhile, know that it’s a lousy aspect of our politics, but nevertheless think it’s worthwhile to nail one of those Democrat bastards, especially after they’ve dragged so many good Republicans through the mud, and hypocritically too since everyone knows they don’t believe in morality anyway! The end result is that every politician in America will eventually have to submit to a penile plethsymograph or a vaginal photoplethysmograph before running for office.
I guess the only thing that, maybe, we can all agree on is that the people trying to smear Nikki Haley are, most likely, lying sacks of manure.Report
@Rufus F., I saw the Clinton/Paula Jones thing as a response to the Thomas/Hill thing. God only knows what that was a response to.
It’s almost enough to make you wish that normal people would reach that level of power…Report
@Jaybird, Oh yeah, I forgot all about that! Was it perhaps payback for Gary Hart? We were all so young back then.
I do wonder if the skills necessary for sexual mischief aren’t the same ones used for political climbing and that could explain the overlap of the two groups.
Also, I have some sympathy for politicians because there’s probably enough in my private life to keep me out of political office. Of course, many of them seem to aim for office from birth, which makes it even more baffling when they screw up. I pretty much aspired to be a rock singer at this point.Report
@Rufus F., I think that Gary Hart was brought down by his own hubris. He pretty much told the press “try to catch me” and, yep, they caught him.
Then he said “I’m too much man for just one woman, take it or leave it” and Dukakis (FREAKING DUKAKIS) got the nomination. Not that Hart would have won either, mind. But he would have, at least, not looked like freakin’ Snoopy in that damn tank.Report
@Jaybird, Ah, Dukakis- I still chuckle a bit at the mention of that name. As for Gary Hart, I’m old enough to remember the Bloom County strips making fun of him.Report
@Rufus F., I’ve always wondered why more American politicians don’t try openness as a strategy. I mean, you can’t win cheap points by persecuting homosexuals and single mothers if you’re divorced and/or openly gay, which I suppose some of them might see as a downside, but its at least worth a try isn’t it?Report
@Simon K, I guess there’s sort of a scale for these things. Most people accept divorced politicians- after all, Ronald Reagan, “The Greatest President in History” was divorced and I don’t remember it being an issue. Homosexuality is on the cusp of being okay for politicians, especially Democrats. Youthful drug use must be okay, since the last few Presidents admitted it- the important thing there is that you’re totally unforgiving towards drug users today. A politician in an open marriage is probably still not possible. I can’t remember any surviving being caught with a hooker. And I’m still waiting to see the first politician who acknowledges making some pornographic movies in their past.Report
@Rufus F., Hows about skinny dipping with Rick Mercer? That made me a fan.Report
@Cascadian, Yeah, that was pretty awesome. Is it different up here? I can’t imagine caring about Stephen Harper’s sex life, for example- or maybe I’m just too terrified to know.Report
@Cascadian, An interesting point about Mercer- when his video making Mike Huckabee look stupid was popular on Youtube, I read a bunch of articles about him in the American press, and at least half of them began, “Gay Canadian comedian Rick Mercer…” which struck me as something the Canadian press doesn’t feel the need to highlight when it’s totally irrelevant for the story.Report
@Cascadian, Ugh, imagining Harper having sex would be damaging. Seeing him in a leather vest was bad enough. Yes, things are a bit different up here. It’s wonderful!Report
@Cascadian, Yeah, maybe the Canadian model could be a third way from the French and American models of politics- people here don’t seem to care so much about the private lives of their officials, which truth be told, probably aren’t that interesting anyway.Report
@Cascadian, What’s the French model? Having mistresses?Report
@Cascadian, Somewhere in this thread there was mention of the mistresses being at the funerals of French heads of state and the French not generally caring. So that could be one approach to public response. Things do seem to be quite different with Carla Bruni, however. When I was there, they all seemed to think she’s très scandaleuse. I didn’t want to break it to them that the rest of the world doesn’t care as much as they think.Report
@Rufus F.,
David Vitter
@ThatPirateGuy, Oh, wow. It’s looks like he’s overcoming that. I’m not sure what to say… Good for him?Report
As the Balloon Juicers say “Its Ok If You Are a Republican” aka IOKIYAR.Report
@Rufus F., Simpler theory: sexual smears work. If they ever stop working, we’ll stop hearing them.Report
@Jaybird, Psychologically it seems pretty easy to explain. If you invest so much time and effort in denying and repressing your own sexuality – spaghettiphilia or whatever it may be – you’re quite likely to develop some pretty weird and extreme expressions of that sexuality, and also to be extremely unsympathetic to other people with unconventional sex lives.Report
Sanford wasn’t boring it was cringe inducing. The guy sounded so naive and handled it all so badly. Only Tiger could do worse.Report
@Cascadian, he was in love.
I’m a huge fan of monogamy, and a huger fan of fidelity once within the bounds of matrimony but, dude, the guy was in love.
Of *COURSE* he was stupid. That’s what falling in love does.
He wasn’t indulging his various appetites, he wasn’t mentally ill and self-medicating poorly… he was a guy who was in love.
My heart is not yet so blackened that it cannot beat once in pity on account of such a fool.Report
@Jaybird, Perfectly understandable behavior…. for a seventeen year old. I’m no fan of monogamy. But, if you’re going to go down this road, one needs honesty with oneself and ones partner. I’m trying to imagine Charles Barkley getting caught in this type of mess.Report
@Cascadian, hey, he’s a fool.
What I’d expect to hear about Charles Barkley was that he had a girl in every port not that he had a main squeeze on the side whom he loved very much and if life had been different…
Again: this is not me saying that what Sanford did was good or admirable or anything like that.
I’m just saying that “he was in love” mitigates some stuff allowing me to downgrade a guy from “sleaze” to “fool”.Report
@Jaybird, I would chalk it up to emotional immaturity. Again behavior that is understandable for a seventeen year old looks different on a fifty year old. I don’t think he’s sleazy, just stinted.Report
@Cascadian, It’s definitely childish and dysfunctional behavior. It’s also sort of the extreme version of being married to someone and thinking that being totally unwilling to talk about sex honestly and openly with them cause any problems in the long run. My therapist wife says she encounters that all the time, even when monogamy isn’t an issue.Report
@Cascadian, Uh, that should be “won’t cause any problems with them in the long run”.Report
I can’t think of anyone I know who, when hearing about a politician’s sexual affairs, laughs and says, “Just goes to show you- being faithful to your spouse is a joke!“
I haven’t heard that, but back during the Clinton fiasco I did hear from a lot of people that we were prudish for even caring about his infidelity and that we should be more like the French who allow mistresses to attend dignitary funerals because they’re enlightened and we’re not and blah blah blah. Most Democrats took the “Morally reprehensible, but ultimately not relevant to her performance.” Some liberals took it a step further. They definitely did around me, though I was in college at the time and such ideas probably held more truck in that environment.Report
@Trumwill, Yeah, and at that age too. When I was 20, my thoughts on adult sexual norms were certainly different and probably pretty inaccurate.
I do get tired of the gripes about prudish Americans and their “Puritan heritage” too. The stereotypical “French marriage” is the product of a very different culture with very different views on marriage, social norms, and gender relations. I wouldn’t call it more sophisticated or liberated, and I also really cannot imagine it being imported to American culture.
Now, I might tend to argue the point that the sex lives of public officials- provided we’re not talking about raping children- are not our business, nor relevant to their jobs. However, I am totally open to the counter-argument that cheating on your spouse is carelessness towards the heart of your closest companion, and if you’re capable of that, what else are you capable of?
But, see, that’s a discussion! And Gerson almost has that discussion, before deciding instead to argue with whoever it is that thinks that people who believe in marital fidelity are schmucks.Report
When puzzling over Gerson, it pays to remember that (a) he was a GOP speechwriter; he was paid to come up with highly partisan talking points, and (b) he was a speechwriter for a very dishonest and highly corrupt and highly malicious president.
That’s it.Report
@Barry, Yeah, that’s probably true, and I’m really questioning the talking point more than the talker. I’m definitely not holding out hope that Gerson’s next column will be entitled “League of Ordinary Gentlemen Helps Me to See the Light”.Report
If you can find a Democratic politician calling for open marriage and Satanism, please cite them.
Barry Hussein Soetoro, of course. Do try to keep up.Report