Banning Burqas: Yea or Nay?
I fall squarely in the “nay” camp, but here’s a nice summary of the debate over burqas in France from The Economist.
I fall squarely in the “nay” camp, but here’s a nice summary of the debate over burqas in France from The Economist.
A few more idle thoughts on the preeminence of American Jewry: It’s not as if Jews haven’t played important roles in government before now – I once read that Charlemagne relied heavily on Jewish...
“If I’m a war criminal, then Barack Obama is a war criminal,” Rove said. Words every civil libertarian Democrat ought to chew on, I think.
Ben Smith points to the first real bipartisanship we’ve seen for quite some time: Bipartisanship is a rare thing in Washington, but the Senate just 96-0 to pass a bill to "Audit the Fed,"...
I haven’t had enough time to dig into soon-to-be-Justice Kagan’s record in nearly the depth that I would like, and I’m not expecting to have all that much time to provide a fitting analysis. ...
My wife and I lived together for two years prior to tying the knot, though we were both still in college when we finally made our vows. We’d known each other and dated for...
This dialogue between David Frum and Jonah Goldberg has been getting some attention: Let’s bracket the “Is Obama a socialist?” question in favor of something a little less contentious. What, if anything, is the...
The fiftieth anniversary of the birth control pill is reason to celebrate, says Susan Jacoby. Agreed in full.
Since Will decided it was appropriate to create a post tag entitled “Steve Nash is baller status” the other day, I think I’m obliged to ensure that said tag is used more than once...
Daniel McCarthy has perhaps the best take on Red Toryism and its incompatibility with the realities of American politics I have seen yet. One important factor behind the success of traditional, pre-liberal Toryism in...
In Euthyphro, Plato deals with piety and the mystery thereof. As the dialogue opens, Socrates encounters Euthyphro on the porch of the king Archon. Socrates is there because the young man Meletheus has brought...
I thought this comment, from Boegiboe, deserved a place of prominence, especially since the threads on the tactics involved in the War on Drugs are winding down. Comments at LOG and elsewhere have often noted...
In the comments the other day Jivatman asked what sort of system of governance I would prefer. More and more I think I’d fit in nicely in a modern Northern-European style social-democracy – open...
The Weekly Standard puts out some great long-form journalism, but goddamn is their blog spectacularly annoying sometimes. Here’s Daniel Halper, criticizing The Washington Post for hiring David Weigel to cover the conservative movement: If...
Faced with the unassailable fact that Obama’s much-ballyhooed foreign and counter-terror policies differ very little from the Bush Administration’s, Victor Davis Hanson is left spluttering: So when Obama and his team were dreaming up...
I usually shy away from linking to Reason, mainly because you’re probably reading them already. But this brilliant rant from Nick Gillespie on immigration and the Phoenix Suns deserves top billing.
A few weeks (months?) ago, David kicked off an interesting discussion on gay culture and sexual orientation. From The Utne Reader, here’s a smart take on the political logic of presenting sexual preferences as...
A corner solution arises whenever, when faced with a tradeoff among two or more variables, we declare that one of the variables is to be minimized regardless of the state of all of the...
I’ve been watching the lead up to the parliamentary elections in the UK fairly closely. I only caught bits of the three debates, and at the end of the day I’m rooting for Cameron...