Daily Archive: March 31, 2010

Heraclitus, the Cosmic Fire, and Universal Flux

The pre-Socratic philosophers are, to be blunt, intensely fucking exciting. They really are. And I think it’s because they’re trying to answer, in an understandably limited way, the same questions we’re still addressing, for...

and one more thing…

Thinking about this some more, it appears Andrew has missed my point entirely.  The aesthetic argument was not my defense of Benedict at all. My defense is simply this: the Pope is innocent until...

Red Toryism in action

It may be unfair to tar Philip Blond with David Cameron’s policy proposals, but this grab bag of measures intended to “give society a helping hand” gets at a criticism I tried to articulate...

Off with their heads!

Andrew writes that my defense of the Pope is ‘incredibly wrong-headed and simplistic’ and then focuses entirely on the argument I made regarding the aesthetics of Benedict. My point in so arguing was that...

The King of Cool

The Sand Pebbles and The Great Escape are two of my favorite movies , so I’m not sure how I missed this collection of essays from The Cooler on Steve McQueen’s career. But you...

Surely only theocons would dare support Benedict

“[T]his basic truth remains: the moral authority of Catholic church’s central authority is over. The only two options are denial and defensive p.r. (the current knee-jerk response) or open repentance and total transparency, led...

Hipster Overload

Laurie Anderson’s releasing her first new studio album in ten years on June 15. Guests on it include Lou Reed (no huge surprise) and Antony Hegarty. (!!!) Anderson’s Strange Angels is a favorite in...