Daily Archive: March 9, 2010

Book Club: Plato “The Symposium”

Update: I’ve been asked to link to some translations. Here is the Perseus Project Symposium English translation which includes the Greek linked at the right. There is also the Internet Classics Archive Benjamin Jowett...

Lack of Self-Awareness Watch

Sean Penn: Because every day, this elected leader [Chavez] is called a dictator here, and we just accept it! And accept it. And this is mainstream media, who should – truly, there should be...

Americans already have school choice

Austin Bramwell has penned a very convincing post over at The American Conservative on why school choice can actually lead to the dumbing-down of our schools in the name of egalitarianism and accountability.  By...

Because Laws Are for the Little People

“The Saint Patrick’s Day event hosted by the Friendly Sons is a 640-person dinner at the Capital Hilton that has included Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer and President...

Alvar Aalto

I’ve heard Alvar Aalto described as a highbrow precursor to IKEA (which is emphatically not a Finnish company, by the way), but I’ve always appreciated how warm and welcoming his designs seem when compared...

Detroit, again

Outsiders moaning about Detroit’s woes can be a little unseemly (see this photo gallery, for example), but it’s hard not to feel for the residents of this embattled neighborhood. Read the whole thing, as...