Monthly Archive: February 2010

Austin Rohrshach Test

Shannon Love of the Chicago Boyz takes exactly the right tact in discussing the motives of this morning’s suicide bomber of the IRS in Austin, Texas.  She concludes:

Yale Sex Week

Ordinary Gentleman David Schaengold recently gave a lecture for Yale Sex Week. National Review has a writeup (possibly NSFW).

Data & Don’t ask don’t tell

Mary Eberstadt has an excellent article in Policy Review on the difficulties faced by military mothers and their children. Some of the statistics she cites are especially notable: Around 40% of women on active...

Question of the Day

Brad Warbiany: “What are the odds that the media will understand that the true problem is not that Obama is to blame or that Obama is our savior, but that this economy is the...

History Thursday

I aggregate so you don’t have to: From The Dreyfus Affair to the Eiffel Tower, the conflict between Church and State in late 19th century France; remembering the Berlin Airlift, 1948-49; Christopher Hitchens reviews...

Notes on Populism

Note: I’d like to stick my toe in the political waters a bit here, but do not intend to stray far from old books and art: my virtual bread and butter. However, E.D. Kain’s...

Pakistan’s Endgame for Afghanistan

Scott recently raised some skepticism about the potential impact of the capture of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, former operational commander of the Afghan Taliban. Today word is out that another high ranking Afghan Taliban...

The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Mesopotamians lived in a world that, at first glance, reminds one of the Ancient Greeks. There is the same interaction with a plethora of gods who guide men, but often remain indifferent to...

Question for the Day

What must it be like to be Rick Santorum…in what universe does this guy think he can be president (when he got smoked in a Senatorial race in Pennsylvania)?

Olympics Report 1

As The League of Ordinary Gentlemen’s 2010 Winter Olympics Special Correspondent, some early observations: 1. It’s pretty surreal to live in a city that is hosting the “Winter” Olympics when I was outside for...

All the good band names are taken

Which probably explains why the new ones keep getting longer and longer. As far as ridiculously long musical monikers go, my favorites are “I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness” and the delightfully gothic-sounding...

There’s more than one way to skin a moderate

[Updated] Writing of Evan Bayh, Ross Douthat opines: America needs politicians who stake out interesting, politically-courageous positions on important policy questions. What it doesn’t need is politicians who occupy the safest possible ground on...


Following an Atlantic article of the slum-ification of suburbia, the New York Times explores the fate of housing developments in Southern California. From the conclusion:

“We Are the World”

On the whole, I’m fairly ambivalent about the “We Are the World” remake – some of the more dramatic changes from the (overrated to begin with) original seemed appropriate in the context of current...