Monthly Archive: January 2010


Others here may well disagree, but I would like to associate myself with every word of James Joyner’s response to Andrew Sullivan’s accusation that a Scott Brown win will signal “a nihilist moment, built...


John Carney has some interesting commentary on the first day of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearings.  He writes: A structured credit product—whether its as simple as a mortgage backed security or a complex...


Following up on ED’s earlier post, here’s a smart observation from Derek Thompson at The Atlantic on the consequences of (an increasingly likely) Scott Brown victory in the Massachusetts special senatorial election (hint: the...

quote of the day

“You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room.” ~ Democratic candidate Marie Antoinette Martha Coakley, further sabotaging her own campaign. P.S. – I have to admit, I really like Scott...