Daily Archive: November 10, 2009

Larison endorses the McChrystal surge?

I’m not sure if Daniel Larison’s latest column should be interpreted as an endorsement of McChrystal’s political independence or his actual strategy for Afghanistan, but it’s worth reading in full. His criticism of the...

Football in the Northeast

…which, for football purposes, includes South Florida.  In 2005, the Big East – long a basketball-heavy conference – lost three of its five traditionally strong football programs to the ACC, while one of the remaining...

Tricky Linguistics

I was an English major, so this really speaks to me.  And it’s hilarious, as is everything Fry and Laurie did together.  I don’t watch House, but I loved the old Jeeves and Wooster...

Anti-Fascist Super Heroes

Like James, I find that almost everything that needs to be said about this Ron Rosenbaum hit piece has already been said by Steve Menashi. It”s a thorough and fine job by Menashi and...

Studying Vietnam Doesn’t Really Help

Evan Thomas and John Barry at Newsweek take a look at (a) revisionist history of Vietnam, now popular in some circles of the military and how it is influencing the current debate on Afghanistan....

A few more thoughts on the death penalty

I wanted to briefly respond to a few points inspired by Sonny Bunch’s defense of the death penalty from last week. First, Andrew Sullivan suggests I have “mixed feelings” about executing prisoners. Well, not...

Eight Steps Towards A Less Dysfunctional Congress

by Kyle Mathews If there’s one thing that most political commentators and Americans can agree upon, it’s that Congress is bad at its job. Presidential approval ratings go up and down, Congressional approval ratings...