The Singapore Model & DeLong Care

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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4 Responses

  1. Ryan says:

    Well, that’s largely because at least 35% of our Congress is completely uninterested in reform and another 10-20% is completely uninterested in doing anything that wouldn’t put them squarely in front of a TV camera. And we need 60% of at least part of our Congress to agree on something. Democracy!Report

  2. Punditus Maximus says:

    I don’t think the AEI is aware that the Singaporean government runs a single-payer system with carefully set price controls.Report

    • Klug in reply to Punditus Maximus says:

      from the article:

      “While the Singaporean government does regulate prices and services, its hand is nowhere near as heavy as that of governments with extensive nationalized healthcare, such as the United Kingdom or Germany.”Report

      • Darren in reply to Klug says:

        I can speak as a Singaporean that patients are expected to co-pay part of their medical expenses and to pay more when they demand a higher level of service.

        While any citizen in Singapore can access the single payer system known as Medisave, the funds that can be used from that system is restricted, and responsibility still lies in individuals who will have to decide if they are willing to co-pay for a desired treatment.

        This is why almost all working citizens in Singapore have a supplementary private healthcare insurance plan to augment what is missing from Medisave. Both plans are used to form the holistic healthcare system enjoyed by most Singaporeans today.

        The key is to get as many citizens to work as possible, putting the responsibility of personal healthcare in individuals who will have the capacity to measure the level of care they need in accordance to their lifestyle.
