More Ad Space Please
The lengths companies will go to use any available eye-line to try to sell me something is beyond belief. Let me explain. I’m walking to work this morning and pass a cement mixing truck doing it’s thing. You know mixing cement, pouring it down the chute to go on the sidewalk. Great. Then I notice–I make this up not–that the truck’s mixing cylinder, that huge piece on the back that spins, well that has been purchased as ad space for asparagus. As the drum turns I get this surreal image of a giant bunched stalk of asparagus twirling around and around. The vegetables are the proper size for the actual Jolly Green Giant’s dinner.
I mean nothing says yummy greens like a horrific 10 foot stalk of scary asparagus while pouring concrete.
Ho, ho, ho.. spend money!Report
Not only are *YOU* thinking about asparagus now, you’re making all of *US* think about asparagus!Report
mmmm, asparagus. i don’t know where this craving for asparagus has come from?Report