Monthly Archive: June 2009

“the big lie”

I wondered about this the other day.  While I commend Obama’s restraint and am glad that he is not, as the neoconservatives are clamoring for, actually meddling in Iranian affairs, it did seem, as...

kindle v twitter

I suppose the difference for me between the adopting of these two technologies – Twitter and Kindle – neither of which I use (though we do have a Twitter account tied to this blog),...

Some Real “F”ers

Andrew Sullivan posts this video:  Violence Warning.   Sullivan is creating a series (more here, here, and here).  Second warning–the last link in that series is particularly horrific.  I’ll simply link to them but not...

good theology

So a while back I posted on the art of magic in fiction.  I asked readers what they recommended for some good fantasy reads, and the result was a pretty long list of suggestions,...


Here’s a good resource for Iran-related twitter updates/photos etc.  Right now, lots of tweets asking Twitter not to shut down for maintenance tonight.  Let’s see if new media management is as responsive as the...