
Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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5 Responses

  1. Joel says:

    I rarely find myself catching 60 minutes these days, and even more rarely find myself watching Andy Rooney, but he had some excellent words on this subject this week.Report

  2. Sara says:

    Well, at the Memorial service I attended yesterday, the speaker (founder of American Heroes Tribute) talked about the sports games, and the mattress sales, and the barbeques, and all that, and then concluded, “Enjoy it.” If there’s one thing that our involvement in military conflicts has preserved for us, it’s the luxury of all of these consumerist or selfish activities. I think the celebration of life that Memorial Day weekend inevitably involves is a tribute to the sacrifices that our military has made for us.

    Of course, I agree that when you’re eating that first hot dog of the summer season, it might be nice if people thought a bit more about those who made it possible for them to eat it, who are no longer home to eat those hot dogs themselves.

    In that sense, “Happy Memorial Day” has always sounded somewhat grotesque to me.Report

  3. Jim says:

    The other half of this holiday is Veterans’ Day. They lay it on pretty thick in the observances schools hold for that holiday, basically “Find a veteran and thank him; figure out some way that you can be worth the sacrifice” which is a good message to give kids about the generations that have gone before in general.Report

  4. Katherine says:

    [It] comes just when the weather is getting nice, and people are eager to shuffle off winter’s coils and grill up some red meat. And so it has become the three day weekend of basketball and barbecues – both fine things in their own right, of course, but not really the sort of things which call to mind the sacrifices of our military men and women.

    That’s a good point. I know Remembrance Day in Canada is in November because it’s the day of the armistice in the First World War, but it always seems to be a suitable time of year as well, as November is naturally melancholy. May is not a time for sober reflection.Report

  5. Cascadian says:

    Katherine: Canada also has a lot of other trappings and cultural institutions that make this possible. I always make sure I get a poppy.

    This Memorial Day, I contemplated the loss of State militias and America’s relationship with its own military.Report