Tagged: sports
“Working-Class Wannabes” and the Language of Sports
Sports fans have a tendency to code-switch into the appropriate sports dialect when talking about the various sports people play or consume.
Sports and The Power of Assumption
This post isn’t about what’s going to happen (as of right now no one knows) or what should happen, but rather the nature of assumptions
The Curse Lifts, At Least For A Moment
I’ve seen great Braves teams that died in the first round. And I’ve now seen a Howl’s Moving Castle of a team crush their way to glory
Cancel This Entire Season of National Anthem Ball
So, I was expected to have a strong reaction to Mark Cuban briefly directing the Dallas Mavericks to cease playing the national anthem. Ok…
Football Will Save The World
No, football did not prevent bad things. Could not have. But I submit that football made them bearable in a way they might not have been
Tampa Bay: The Hub Of The Sports World
Tampa Bay has been able to claim the Stanley Cup Finals, the World Series, the Super Bowl, and Wrestlemania in less than a year
USL Team Forfeits Game They Were Leading, Misses Playoffs Protesting Slur
The San Diego Loyal forfeited a game they were winning in protest of what they allege was a slur, ending their season.
They Who Must Not Be Named
Today I realized I’m tired of the fight over the “Redskins” name, tired of citing Ives Goddard, and tired of taking positions on the polls.
Harsh Your Mellow Monday: Non-suffering of Foolishness Edition
It is Monday, folks, and while we hope you and yours are safe and well, there is plenty going on in the world of politics and culture that we need to get into.
Series! World Series of the 1940’s
Since baseball in present time is on hold for the duration, let’s resume our travels through its past. We began post-WWII and proceeded through the Nationals’ first championship in 2019
The NCAA Gives In…A Little
The most important aspect of this is that the scales, long tipped against the athletes in almost every way, have been slightly tipped back.
Sports and Politics: 1869 and 2019
“Keep politics out of sports!” “Just report what happens on the field!” This isn’t how it works.
Wednesday Writs: Criminal Justice Reform
This week we have been discussing criminal justice reform and the need- or lack of need- to incarcerate non-violent criminals.
The Perspective of Luck, or Lack Thereof
Sports and politics have that in common. People absolutely lose their minds over it, and their basic life skills and humanity tend to go with it.
What’s In A Name?
Perhaps the time has finally come for schools to recognize that they don’t need to distinguish between “ladies and gentlemen” when it comes to what team is taking the field, pitch or court.
A Very Welcome Victory
Sports are not a salve. That said, an unexpected win still manages to feel awfully damned good.