Tagged: rights

ordered liberty

Capacious, Ordered Liberty

The phrase “ordered liberty” reminds me the reasons the Framers abandoned the Articles of Confederation and created the Federal Constitution


The Most Constitutional Right

Does the Constitution guarantee a right to have the Constitution itself? A recent dissenting opinion suggests so, and Burt Likko muses upon what that means in today’s age of impeachment.


Wednesday Writs: Pro Se Edition

Oh, that’s right, legal fans, the amateurs are in charge now with Em off on Vacation. And it might be a bit bumpier for you esteemed members of the bar than usual.

In My Opinion’s Wake

Burt Likko thinks that Citizens United and McCutcheon were correctly decided. But how can he square that conclusion with his recent Ordinary Court opinion?

Reasonable Rights

by Mad Rocket Scientist Rights. A lot of ink, both physical & digital, has been spilled discussing the nature of Rights.  Are they natural, inherent, divine, granted, or won?  Are they positive or negative? ...

Marginal cases and virtue

Children are marginal cases. Talking about ethics in terms of autonomy, or rights — Kantian ethics —  famously leaves children, especially very young children, in an odd place. I have addressed this elsewhere in...

Coverture and Liberty

In which we return to a time that Bryan Caplan appears to love… blindly. Inexplicably. Sort of embarrassingly. I mean the nineteenth century. Back in 2010, Bryan wrote that the legal regime of coverture...

perspective in illustration

Odium Surplus/Odium Deficit

A common way to talk about crime and punishment is to liken them to debt and repayment: A crime creates a debt to society; if the criminal is caught and convicted, a just sentence...