Capacious, Ordered Liberty
The phrase “ordered liberty” reminds me the reasons the Framers abandoned the Articles of Confederation and created the Federal Constitution
The phrase “ordered liberty” reminds me the reasons the Framers abandoned the Articles of Confederation and created the Federal Constitution
I was not a victim. Nor am I a sex worker. I was a female business professional, traveling alone, who needed to pee.
In recent days, I’ve read about the burning of books on the streets of Portland and of Harry Potter books torched by the far Left. I don’t like burning books, to put it very...
The problem with the idea of executive orders left untouchable by future executive orders.
The ideal of “inalienable rights” has too often been changed to “meritorious rights” by flawed people adding “they have rights, but…”
Does the Constitution guarantee a right to have the Constitution itself? A recent dissenting opinion suggests so, and Burt Likko muses upon what that means in today’s age of impeachment.
The most important aspect of this is that the scales, long tipped against the athletes in almost every way, have been slightly tipped back.
Sometimes enough is enough and you should step aside and let others have a swing at the pinata.
Oh, that’s right, legal fans, the amateurs are in charge now with Em off on Vacation. And it might be a bit bumpier for you esteemed members of the bar than usual.
Burt Likko thinks that Citizens United and McCutcheon were correctly decided. But how can he square that conclusion with his recent Ordinary Court opinion?
Do you have a right to a product that must be provided to you through governmental coercion?
Nob Akimoto looks at Europe’s method of detaining potential terrorists.
by Mad Rocket Scientist Rights. A lot of ink, both physical & digital, has been spilled discussing the nature of Rights. Are they natural, inherent, divine, granted, or won? Are they positive or negative? ...
Over the past two years, our country has raged over the questions surrounding healthcare reform. The Democrats, for better or worse, have taken the need to address serious healthcare system flaws that threaten the...
This is adapted from something I posted the other day over at Blinded Trials. I know there are many Friends of Rights who read the front page, and not Blinded Trials, and I’d love...
Children are marginal cases. Talking about ethics in terms of autonomy, or rights — Kantian ethics — famously leaves children, especially very young children, in an odd place. I have addressed this elsewhere in...
I know. People have been asking themselves for weeks, “So, what were all these posts about, anyway? What’s your conclusion, Pat?” Well… two people, maybe? Okay, here’s my distillation of them, for those two...
In which we return to a time that Bryan Caplan appears to love… blindly. Inexplicably. Sort of embarrassingly. I mean the nineteenth century. Back in 2010, Bryan wrote that the legal regime of coverture...
A common way to talk about crime and punishment is to liken them to debt and repayment: A crime creates a debt to society; if the criminal is caught and convicted, a just sentence...