The Perspective of Luck, or Lack Thereof
Sports and politics have that in common. People absolutely lose their minds over it, and their basic life skills and humanity tend to go with it.
Sports and politics have that in common. People absolutely lose their minds over it, and their basic life skills and humanity tend to go with it.
A better understanding of the toll football takes on its players might convince you: American Football should be abolished.
The University of Maryland’s Board Of Regents had a decision to make: retain a football coach accused of killing one of his players, nor not retaining a football coach accused of killing one of his players. They inexplicably chose the latter.
The NFL had to choose between its black players and its conservative white fans. It, very predictably, went with its conservative, white fans.
It’s bowl season. I have some thoughts, some (so far terrible) predictions, and a challenge for y’all.
The Flying Wedge from when men where men. This is a totally cool name for a play. But few actually know what it was.
Even when they’re really rich and really famous and really attractive, other peoples’ actual lives are typically insipid.
Mike Dwyer asked us to explain the appeal of soccer. Here’s my attempt, using a goal the Netherlands’ Robin Van Persie scored today. First watch the video of the goal, then I’ll break it...
Because people who “don’t care” if you’re gay don’t usually make laws making it illegal for your employer to keep you on.
World Cup draws. Early predictions. Frustrations. England fans singing vulgar songs. Cheering. Zero-zero ties. It’s a beautiful game.
With 8 weeks behind us, let’s re-assess the contenders and the pretenders in the NFL. The criteria are the same: I rank teams based on how I think they’d fare against one another in...