Tagged: Culture, Philosophy, & Religion
Linky Friday #149: Pirates, Poindexters, & Confederados
This Week: Science, Culture, Healthcare, Resources, Copyright, and Latin America!
Shakespeare in American Politics
Guest Author T. Greer eulogizes the neglect of our literary heritage in contemporary rhetoric.
Skipping The Summer Reading
This essay is about reading gay porn before class. And it resurrects an Ideological Outrage Of The Day from 2012. And a graphic novel. And striking out romantically. And Richard Dawkins.
Comment Rescue: Cultural Merits of Abortion
I’ve never done this before — promoted my own comment, that is. But I think I got a pretty decent thought out there.
Ben Franklin on the Quakers & Lack of Need For Govt. Support of Religion, Etc.
A brief gloss of the complex intellectual and spiritual harmony between the Founders and the Quakers.
Dear Target: It’s Not Me, It’s You.
I used to think Target was way cooler than it’s rival Walmart. I don’t think that way anymore.
Beyond “McCainism”
A gay blogger learns that reforming the GOP means focusing on bread and butter issues first, social issues second.
We All Make Our Own Paper Tigers: Amy Chua and Why ‘Culture’ Doesn’t Displace ‘Race’ the Way You Think It Does
Too often when we talk about ethnic “culture” in America, we’re really just talking about race and pretending we’re not.
America’s Tiger Mom and the Totally Valid, Not At All Biased, Really Scientific Practice of Ranking America’s Cultures and Races
Famed Tiger-Mom Amy Chua’s new book helpfully lets its readers know which cultures and races in America are superior, and which are inferior.
Race and Culture
Mike Dwyer wonders how much of what we view as racism is in fact a clash of cultures.
Cultural Kelvin
Awash in the reek of my own community’s orgy of modernity, I found Tim Stanley’s ablution most welcome: In the words of Joe Orton, “Cleanse my heart … let me rage correctly.” So what...
A leisurely Sunday afternoon riot
After we returned from an early dinner with friends late Sunday afternoon, we began to hear the reports of disturbances a few blocks away from where we live in downtown Huntington Beach. The annual...
Fictional Gun Violence and Mass Gun Killings
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Guns In America. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far,...
What (New) Documentaries Should People Watch?
I haven’t watched one in a while, and though I lean towards the political type, or those documentaries which depict the worst kinds of social injustice, I’m willing to take a spin outside my wheel...
Markets Are The New Culture
I do love A Bit of Fry & Laurie. This is quite a brilliant sketch, whatever you make of its politics. Maybe not quite as good as their free-market-police bit, but right up there.
Culture is the villain
I’ve had this sort of nebulous notion that culture itself is a problem. Not any particular culture, mind you, but rather the entire concept of culture. The exclusivity of the group over the individual....
Art, Morality, Music, and Fallout Open Open Thread
We were arguing about art at work in the lab the other day. Not the aesthetic value argument (though that *IS* a good one) but about whether art could be moral in any meaninful...