Wednesday Writs for 2/13
Your weekly roundup of legal news, this week featuring suicidal chickens, bug infested lawyers, NYPD vs. Google, teacher strikes, dumb criminals and more.
Your weekly roundup of legal news, this week featuring suicidal chickens, bug infested lawyers, NYPD vs. Google, teacher strikes, dumb criminals and more.
A practicing Muslim requested the presence of his imam at his execution and was told no; he’d have to make do with the prison’s Christian chaplain or no spiritual leader at all as he met his state-sponsored end. SCOTUS agreed.
It’s your weekly roundup of the best law related links from around the web. In recognition of Black History Month, this week’s edition delves into the injustices of the Scottsboro Boys case.
The weekly roundup of law and legal related links from around the web. This week features birthright citizenship, dangerous scooters, the notorious NFC no-call and the many crimes of caped crusader.
Your weekly roundup of legal and law related links from around the web. This week features drunk prosecutors, foul -mouthed lawyers, a particularly brazen burglar, and Matthew McConaughey.
The swiftness with which Dazia Lee was charged, compared to the months that went by before it was decided that the deputies would face prosecution for essentially the same thing, certainly raises some questions as to the disparate treatment of differently situated individuals in society.
This week’s roundup of the best and most interesting law and legal related links from around the web, including SCOTUS updates, falsely branded potato chips, love triangles that become international treaty violations, and more.
This week’s round-up of the best and most interesting law-related links from around the web, featuring med mal, criminal law developments, Alec Baldwin, and more.
Your Wednesday Writs for 11/21 with links to legal and law stories such as case of the week, bad lawyers, dumb crooks, and Missouri laws on drastic measures to deal with runaway bulls.
What companies (and the rest of us) can do to shore up our data security.
Your weekly round up of law and legal related stories from around the world, featuring dumb criminals, new federal court decisions, the Case of the Week and more.
No, a quarter of millennials are not experiencing PTSD because of the election. A few months after the election, college students were still a bit stressed by it. Which makes them like everyone else.
Your weekly round-up of law-related links, from dumb criminals and obscure cases to recent developments of note – spooky edition!
Your weekly round-up of law-related links, from dumb criminals and obscure cases to recent developments of note.
Welcome to the first edition of Ordinary Times’s new linky feature, “Wednesday Writs”, which will attempt to bring to you the latest and most interesting headlines from the legal world.
There appears no end in sight for this trend of solving cold cases – a light at the end of the tunnel for families of the victims, and an oncoming train for the perpetrators.