Category: 2016 Elections
Four Lessons Learned from Last Night’s Debate
Journalists: Bad. Jeb!: Toast! Trump: Salesman. “Errol Flynn”: Not Errol Flynn.
Unfit Comments
I can’t help but gloat at the meteoric fall of the man who thought fighting teacher unions was akin to taking on ISIS.
Appealing To A Certain Demographic
If we live in the age of the politics of personality, then perhaps litigation offers a window to a candidate’s embittered, unpleasant soul.
Memo from the American Whig Party
The Republican Party is not the American Whig Party, but its successes–and eventual failure–offer some useful lessons worth considering.
Walker’s Education
Criticizing Scott Walker for not having completed his college degree may or may not be elitist. Because something is elitist, however, doesn’t make it invalid. So is it valid? Will Truman considers…
Run, Mitt, Run!
Mitt Romney is considering running again in 2016. Herewith a little history lesson. Three men have lost their first election as their party’s presidential nominee, then gone on to get their party’s nomination again:*#...
Like it Or Not, Being a Likable Candidate is Likely Important
In one very important way, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is more like Newt Gingrich than her husband Bill. Democrats would be wise to consider that before the primaries begin.
New Column at The New Republic
Forgive me the hiatus in posting. I’ve been parenting (and writing a fair amount). Saw Tod (et al) at Leaguefest and he (et al) encouraged me to share links here to my work elsewhere,...
Thursday Night Bar Fight #7: All Hail the Chief!
Good news, everyone! Finally admitting to ineptitude and corruption, each of the two major political parties is throwing in the towel and admitting that as a general rule they’re really terrible at picking candidates. ...