Category: Sports
A Knock Or Ten Thousand On The Head
Wherein I start by talking about female athlete concussions, and invariably return to men.
Institutional Culture Reliably Protects Abusers, Not The Abused
Aly Raisman’s righteous anger at Larry Nassar was deserved. So to was her righteous anger at the system that aided and abetted him. But only one of those is going to get the attention that it deserves.
Bowl Challenges!
It’s bowl season. I have some thoughts, some (so far terrible) predictions, and a challenge for y’all.
Michael Bennett’s Treatment Was (Un)Justified
The inability to recognize another person’s humanity is how it is that Michael Bennett ended up being handcuffed on the ground, after having been threatened.
Do you even lift?
Asking whether or not one should exercise to lose weight isn’t the same as asking whether or not someone can. Dave puts a recent Vox article into its proper perspective and asks “do they even lift?”
“Practical Base Ball” — A Tale of Skullduggery
Or, How Spalding Signed Clarkson, but that is boring…
Some Coaches Are Not Good
Some coaches want us to believe very much that they have nothing at all to do with what their players achieve, or don’t achieve, on the court.