Category: Sunday
So let’s say that you want to read something literary, but you only have but so much time.
Here’s a way to kill two birds with one stone.
Today is Wendell Berry’s birthday. He’s 84. May his 85th year on this planet be a bountiful and invigorating one. Maribou elaborates on her feelings about his work, inside.
Comics as a medium for meditation on various virtues and vices
On Walter Simonson’s The Judas Coin
Cutting the cord, Netflix, and apparently Fox/Disney is going to become a thing. Or three things.
The School of Art: Learn How to Make Great Art with 40 Simple Lessons is a book you need to buy for yourself that can teach you a great deal about Art.
If you have kids, you can even say that you got it for them
An examination of Upgrade that will spoil the movie. Do not read if you do not want the movie spoiled.
(I suppose the fact that the movie is spoilable at all is a huge spoiler as well. Sorry about that.)
Searching for an Ur-story of the story found in Three Amigos, A Bug’s Life, and Galaxy Quest