Mean-centering Does Nothing for Multicollinearity!
Striving for sexy results is not the biggest problem in science.
Striving for sexy results is not the biggest problem in science.
Profession predisposes peoples’ political preferences. Perhaps.
If you try hard enough, you can convince yourself that Barack Obama’s views on gay marriage really did “evolve” even though his personal feelings didn’t.
Obergefell was announced by SCOTUS this morning. 5-4 in favor of same-sex marriage rights. Fourteenth Amendment requires a state to both issues SSM licenses and to recognize licenses issued by other states. Opinion by...
This Week: Politics, Progress, Commerce, Culture, History, & the World. And a Video!
Strong is the desire for vengeance. Pretends to be “justice,” vengeance does.
But down that path, no benefit will you find.
If your plan for staying out of jail hinges on 14-year-old girl not lying, maybe you need to rethink your plans.
While Kansas an assorted other states have been testing the bounds of conservative economic theory, cities in Missouri are testing liberal economic theory on the minimum wage.
This week! Business, Athletics, Politics, Europe, Planets, and Society!
I want to talk about signalling because I want you to think I am intelligent and well-informed.
When a Supreme Court Justice calls an entire city a “delicate subject,” there’s pretty much only one city he could be talking about. Burt Likko breaks down today’s division-of-powers decision.
Yet another Ordinary Times post addressing the tu quoque fallacy, or as I call it, the tu-quoque-fallacy fallacy.
This week: Law, Outrage, Progress, Politics, Cities, and Society.
If an employer sees that a job applicant seems to have some sort of religious need for accommodation contrary to the employer’s policies, isn’t the safer thing for the interviewer to do to avoid dealing with the applicant’s religion at all? Antonin Scalia answers that question and Burt Likko breaks down today’s moderately surprising 8-1 decision.
This week! Labor, Education, Resource, Politics, and the United States!