Last weekend, my parents were in town. It was a good opportunity to do something I’d been intending to do for a while. A month or so back, we got a new television set. It’s worked out reasonably well, but it didn’t fit the TV stand. The TV stand itself was falling apart. So I kept an eye out on Craigslist for something meeting my rather specific requirements (namely, a window-cabinet sort of thing. I want to be able to close it off should we be blessed with a second child that wants to root through it. But I also want to be able to see into it. Nothing on Craigslist really came up, so I got something from Amazon.
Which, of course, had to be put together.
I figured that it would make a good project for Dad and myself and by and large it was. The only problem was that Lain really wanted to participate. She also wanted to take the half-constructed stand and build a little habitat in there. This made a one-day project take multiple days. But we did get it done. And it looks nice and works nicely. The old stand is being retired either to the basement or the garbage heap. It had the window cabinets that I wanted, but during one of the moves one panel broke off, and fortuitously the other broke off the day before my parents got here. That underscored what needed to be done.
No special plans this weekend. I am going to start scoping out Clancy’s office, which right now is just a receptacle for unopened boxes, and see about getting a desk set up for her. That she doesn’t have a workspace here is becoming more and more apparent. I have also resigned myself to getting her a printer of her own. There was a dust-up with the network printer again and I’ve decided that I am just cursed with them. So she gets a printer she can just hook up her laptop to. Nice. Sturdy. Reliable.
What’s on your docket?
Currently in Germany. Currently stinky.
Two more legs before Colorado. One more before the good old USA.Report
Looking good.
I’m mostly looking forward to sitting around the house with Jaybird.Report
Going up to the Bay Area for a gaming convention! I’m pretty excited.Report
I like this little kid prison that you have built. Very functional. I could make some money as a babysitter with that thing.Report
The Wife and I are going to Bodega Bay for the weekend, as a slightly late anniversery trip.Report
Is Bodega Bay a place with a lot of little stores selling quarter water, magazines, and candy down by the water?Report
It’s just south of Del Boca Vista.Report
I heard a song with a Seinfeld reference yesterday, something about stuffing all of your sorries in a sack. Or does that predate Seinfeld?Report
AFAICT that is a Costanza original.Report
Well then, it’s a Seinfeld reference in a country song:
Only if you put Million after quarter…Report
I have a taco truck waiting for me at my in-laws with unlimited free tacos and beer. I think you know where my weekend is headed.Report
I will probably see Bridge of Spies on Sunday.
Last night, I saw Franz Ferdinand and Sparks in Oakland. The Sparks are 67 and 70 respectively. The 67 year old bounced around remarkably well.Report
Jaybird is home! And all tucked into bed. He tried to make it past 7:30 but no dice. So good to have him back.Report
Glad to hear it.Report