Monthly Archive: June 2020
Where Are They Now? Dora The Explorer
Whenever people wonder whatever happened to that beloved star of yesteryear, Bryan O’Nolan investigates.
Saturday Spins: Operation Ivy
Operation Ivy was only a band for 2 years, 1987-1989, and as I have often said before, burned bright, but flared out quickly.
It’s Just Property
And as is so often the case it will be the marginalized people who will pay the highest price, who already are paying the price
Weekend Plans: Lime Cilantro Rice, After Multiple Attempts
So when the lockdown started, man. I was stuck without my Chipotle rice. I did the “google the recipe” thing and, of course, found multiple recipes…
Old Men in Poorly-Fitting Pants
It’s too horrible to say any of this so baldly, so we find nice ways to phrase it. But that does us no good, recoiling into a cozy bed of euphemisms.
Thursday Throughput: Caldera Edition
We’re still learning about the caldera and its past. But perhaps this is one cataclysm a little less likely to hit in 2020.
NASCAR Bans Confederate Flags
NASCAR said it is banning the flying of Confederate flags at its races and other events.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
I don’t care if you’re conservative, liberal, or otherwise, a media blackout on critically important news is concerning. Deeply concerning.
Wednesday Writs: Mailing It In Edition
Qualified Immunity, a blockbuster summer for the Supreme Court, lawyers going to lawyer, and a $67 million dollar lawsuit over missing paints in Wednesday Writs.
Confederate Monuments Are Everywhere in the South. Why?
Before you protest the removal of Confederate monuments, ask yourself if you know why they were erected in the first place?
The Protest Wave: COVID-19, Perceptions of Science, and Mass Events
Control of the virus is not because of lockdown orders or hashtags. It’s because the public demonstrated astonishing trust in public health experts.