Brexit Most Messy

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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9 Responses

  1. Michael Cain says:

    They seem to have arrived at the 11-dimensional chess stage of things, with everyone doing all sorts of tricky signaling. Parliament in the process of passing a law that requires the government to ask for an extension, but not specifying what sort of extension. May preemptively asking for an extension, short rather than long, that the EU Council rejected the last time. The French (with apparent support from Spain and Belgium) saying that the Council said last time that the UK must take certain actions in order to get any further extensions, and that none of those actions have been taken. The Republic of Ireland saying that the EU27 are standing firm on protecting Ireland and that none of them will veto further extensions. Tusk and Juncker suggesting that the EU Council can counter-offer a long flextension on its own; assorted lawyer types saying that the Council is restricted to dealing with the type of short-term extension that the UK has actually requested. Hard Brexit Tories threatening to use any seats they win if EU Parliamentary elections are held to sabotage the EU from within; other EU27 members threatening retaliation if that happens.

    Wednesday, when it looks like all these things will come crashing together, ought to be interesting.Report

    • George Turner in reply to Michael Cain says:

      The Galactic Trade Federation invades Naboo and the Senate sits on its hands, unable to do anything at all. Senator Palpatine is right, Chancellor Valorum has to go.Report

    • Mike Schilling in reply to Michael Cain says:

      This is where Cincinattus appears, replaces the elected government, and decrees “We’re going to hold another referendum next week, and unless it’s 60% for leaving, we stay.” After it only gets 48%, the crisis averted, he goes back to his farm, the catcalls of a nation that has no clue he just saved them echoing in his ears.Report

      • Chip Daniels in reply to Mike Schilling says:

        Alternate re-write:
        Her Royal Majesty dissolves Parliament and overturns Brexit, then for good measure re-absorbs the American colonies and appoints Prince William as Governor General, declaring that after several centuries of attempts, self rule by the people simply has failed.

        The people rejoice with scones and tea and designate every November 8 as Donald Trump Day and light bonfires chanting “Remember, remember, the eighth of November, emails, treason and plot”.

        Hey, its no more ridiculous than our current script.Report

        • James K in reply to Chip Daniels says:

          Trust an American to come up with a solution where an overbearing executive seizes power and fixes everything by decree.Report

        • Kolohe in reply to Chip Daniels says:

          There’s a rumour going around that Will’s taken up some of his dad’s less benign habits, so it’s probably going to be Harry and his wife that are sent over.

          (There’s a school of thought that us in the US shouldn’t give a twopence about the UK royal family, and that is generally correct. But a royal scandal right now, particularly in the Millennial generation could very well throw everything into a even deeper tailspin with how unconfident everyone is with the government)Report

          • Chip Daniels in reply to Kolohe says:

            “Your Majesty, there is evidence the Prince may have cheated on his wife. Shall we still send him to represent America?”

            “Why do you think I suggested it?”Report

  2. Michael Cain says:

    I notice that even some of the EU bureaucrats are getting snippy this morning over Parliament’s apparent refusal to understand their options at this time: crash out, sign the withdrawal agreement, or rescind the Article 50 notice. One of them (finally!) pointed out that if the UK crashes out, then asks to start negotiations on a long-term relationship, the EU’s initial position will include the same three red-line items that are in the WA: no hard border in Ireland, assured status for EU citizens, and the £59B settlement payment.

    I’m actually feeling a little sorry for Theresa May and how she’s likely to be treated in the EU Council session tomorrow.Report

  3. George Turner says:

    The BBC recently ran a three part documentary called “BBC Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil”. I found it on the Interwebs. The first episode is on Brexit, the second is on the near financial collapse of the Euro due to Greek debt, and the third is on the waves of migrants.

    It’s mostly retrospective interviews with all the key players like Cameron, Merkel, Sarkozy, Juncker, and others, explaining exactly what was happening behind the scenes during the tense and transformative moments of the EU.

    I highly recommend it, though you may have to get a bit creative to watch it, as iPlayer isn’t available outside the UK.

    Anyway, populist and Euroskeptic parties are set to form the largest coalition in Brussels, so perhaps the juggernaut of EU bureaucracy will get better at avoiding icebergs.Report